Definition: In asexual reproduction, only one parent plant is involved, and the offspring will be genetically identical to the parent and each other. There are two main ways – natural and artificial vegetative propagation. I will explain both methods.
Many plants naturally develop underground food storage organs that produce the following year's plants, for example, daffodil bulbs. You would plant one bulb in the first year, and the following year, you will see three new bulbs; the next year, there will be more, for example, 10.Some plants naturally produce side branches with plantlets on them. For example, strawberries or spider plants. See the pictures.
The artificial vegetative propagation method involves cuttings where new plants are produced from the parent plant's leaf, stem or root tissue sections. This allows us to grow more plants quickly.
For example, for my favourite flowering plant, carnations, you can cut off a stem from the parent plant, tip it in rooting powder, and then put it in damp compost. After a few weeks, new roots will develop, and a new plant will be produced. It is a good way of growing more plants of the same plant.