BSL Glossary -
Environmental Science curriculum terms

Disability SMART Awards: Highly Commended

A to Z of Environmental Science Terms


This project was supported by:

The Royal Society

Sign Development Team

  • Tania Allan
  • Audrey Cameron
  • John Denerley
  • Billy-Jack Gerrard
  • Nicola Jackson
  • Tina Kelberman
  • Liam McMulkin
  • Gary Quinn
  • Derek Rodger
  • Sujit Sahasrabudhe
  • Rebecah Taylor
  • Kirsty Vessey

Administration and technical


Disability Smart Awards 2024: Highly commended

The Royal Society and the Scottish Sensory Centre were awarded highly commended status for their joint work to develop a range of new British Sign Language (BSL) signs to cover key terms in environmental science. Their work has made it possible for the Deaf community to engage with important topics including climate change, biodiversity loss and global warming.

Media coverage

"New British Sign Language allows people to talk about climate crisis" Channel 4 News, 5 January 2025.

"Video of the Week: Carbon Footprint" Nature Briefing newsletter, 14 November 2024.

"How we developed sign language for ten of the trickiest climate change terms" The Conversation, 11 November 2024.

"From jellyfish to basking shark, we're developing 100 new signs to deepen deaf people's connection with the ocean" The Conversation, 9 August 2024.

We were very excited to have this glossary covered by the media after our launch on Friday 11th August 2023, here is some of the coverage: