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SSC Bulletin 30: March 2017

Sharing information with everyone who is involved in the education of deaf children, deafblind children and visually impaired children and young people, the young people themselves and their families.

SSC News

BSL Glossary

Brazil Group with SSC Glossary teamThis week (24 Feb-3 Mar) we welcome visitors from Brazil: Vivian Rumjanek, Lorena Emidio & Bruno Baptista dos Santos from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro will be working with the SSC BSL Glossary team to discuss collaboration on signing Biology terms.

Disability Research Edinburgh's (DRE) next seminar takes place on Friday, 3rd March 2017, 3-5pm LG.10, David Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh. All welcome
For this seminar there will be two guest speakers:
Dr. Audrey Cameron, Scottish Sensory Centre, who will discuss Science and Maths in British Sign Language
Jon Reid, Sense Scotland who will talk about Sense Scotland's work in using creativity and arts to develop communication with people with profound and complex support needs
...More details

ScotVI Forum

The Scottish VI-Forum for teachers and other professionals involved in the education of children with visual impairment celebrates its second year of operation this month. Thanks to all of you who are using it to contact each other and ask questions.

For anyone who doesn't know: this email based list is for professionals in Scotland to exchange information and for the dissemination of research and best practice. Topics have covered technology (problems and solutions), availability of alternative formats of textbooks, courses and events of interest.

Contact us if you have questions or would like to join.

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SSC News

SSC Bulletin Archive

SSC is a national centre funded by the Scottish Government (Learning Directorate, Support and Wellbeing) based at the University of Edinburgh.


SSC Courses

Coming up ...

Plus see full list on the website for 2017 courses:

NB especially look out for those around Greg Leigh's visit to SSC in June 2017!


We are planning some more webinars, including:

SSC Unified English Braille Competency Courses

Any applications received after Friday 3rd March will start the uncontracted braille course on 1st May to complete at the end of July, then 1st June to end of August and so on.

The opportunity to submit Applications for the contracted braille course beginning on 1st April will close on Friday 3rd March; those received after this date will be held for the 1st September intake, if places are available.



SSC Webinars

Web and Resources News


Remember the SSC library is open to anyone who has an interest in children with visual impairment or who are deaf, we can send materials to anywhere in the UK.

Most of the new additions to the library recently relate to visual impairment, but we have some new additions about deafness on their way soon:

  • Reach out and teach: helping your child who is visually impaired learn and grow
  • Keys to educational success: teaching students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities
  • Everyday activities to promote visual efficiency: a handbook for working with young children with visual impairments
  • Strategy To See: Strategies for Students with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment
  • Children with CVI in primary school age (DVD from Bartimeus)
  • Cerebral visual impairment in children with a developmental age up to 5 years (DVD from Bartimeus)

Book covers

Tip: Remember to check the journal articles database when searching for information.

New library items are available to browse on the website:

All of these items and many more are available from the SSC Library contact Sheila Mackenzie (0131 651 6069 or



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Scottish Sensory Centre, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ