These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Workshop on Video Analysis (with pupils with multiple disabilities and visual impairment)

Course evaluation summary

Number of Participants: 10; Number of Respondents: 10

Overall Assessment: 

How would you rate the following?: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise



Content and supplementary material



How will you use what you have learned today?

Make more videos.
Good for taking a step back from situations: to look more into reactions/gestures I would have assumed previously to be stereotypical/ritualistic.
To use video to engage other staff, to involve them more, to aid observation skills.
Develop video analysis technique and use to improve communication.
Take other people's opinions on board and use them in my practice. Be more aware of what can be picked up from video and how this can be used.
Take information back to other members of the Sensory Service. Make more use of video to analyse MDVI children in the region.
To use video analysis in school.
Encouraged to video more and use it with staff.

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation



Pacing of course/event



What was best about the course/event?

Examples and experience of others.
Chance to discuss video with other practitioners.
The group dynamic - hearing other people's reactions/feedback.
Watching the videos as a group and discussing what we saw.
Exchange of ideas/shared practice.
Positive feedback and analysis was very useful; useful to share ideas and opinions.
The group discussion was very useful. I can see the value of video observation and will adopt a more analytical way of thinking.
Having an opportunity to discuss video with colleagues.
Sitting and analysing your own work.
Sharing video and practice.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?

Using micro-analysis in practice.
To use the micro-analysis sheets. Opportunity to discuss use of video analysis and how to train others.
More examples of Mary/Lindi's own work - perhaps with opportunity to fill out observation form.
Bit more about how to move on to develop on body signing or communication. Possibly suggested activities to video would help me.
Time to discuss what you would do next with a child.
People coming with an assessment question related to their video to focus/structure the discussion? [But discussion generated was very useful]

Any other comments regarding the course?

Half the day on discussion and analysis of video, and time to discuss its use.
Enjoyed the day and meeting other professionals.

Location and Venue

Convenient location for this course: No Response 1; Yes 9; No

Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Convenience of venue



Quality of venue



Likely to attend if venue was used again:No Response; Likely 10; Less Likely

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?

Further development of communication with MDVI. Assessment techniques for CVI. Multisensory activity ideas.
Research-based training.
Would be nice to attend similarly structured course next session.
More communication/play topics. Vision assessment. Little room/environment.

Outcomes Assessment

If you are a teacher, how would you rate this course in relation to the following "
Chartered Teacher Standard" components:

Very useful = 5; not useful = 1

your professional values and personal commitment


your professional knowledge and understanding


your professional and personal attributes
