These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Creative and multi-sensory approaches to teaching music for pupils with additional support needs & MDVI

Presented on Wednesday 18 March 2009

Course Evaluation Summary

Number of Participants: 7
Number of Respondents: 6

Overall Assessment 

How would you rate the following:
Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise


Content and supplementary material


How will you use what you have learned today?
I will try to use dance and drama as part of topic/music work. I will access backing tracks on internet and printed & CD materials.
Sensory stories - more confident in doing these as ideas were given today.
It will filter into my everyday use of music with college students with various learning difficulty levels.
Use it in special schools in collaboration with music specialists.
I will be reporting back to staff at school (currently involved in re-writing sensory curriculum policy doc) - I will be able to use all the ideas of activities I saw today.
I will be inspired to incorporate the ideas/themed materials etc. Can aim for cross curricular - can inform others/liaise with ideas etc.

How would you rate the following:
Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation


Pacing of course/event


What was best about the course/event?
Watching and participating in real class lessons.
Seeing that some of the things I am attempting are along the correct lines.
The variety of activity - seeing how the music department operates throughout the school with different ages and abilities.
Learning how to develop previous schools.
Enjoyed it all.  Seeing the children so engaged and enjoying activities was great. Also great to be able to speak to other ASN music staff as I very rarely get the opportunity.
The live element of watching actual lessons with pupils - watching their responses was amazing. Liked using different spectacles to gain empathy/insight into difficulties pupils can face (VI).

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?
Better directional signs/signposts at Canaan Lane campus. (2)
Can we have more!?

Any other comments regarding the course?

I feel I'm taking away so much from today’s experience.
Really enjoyed sharing experiences with likeminded people/musical and inspired by the expertise of the staff - and enthusiasm.

Location and Venue

Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Convenience of venue


Quality of venue


How did you hear about this course?
SSC Courses Brochure (1)
Course Leaflet Mailshot (2)
Co-ordinator/Line Manager (3)

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?
Art; cross-curricular work for PMLD.
Anything to do with Expressive Arts.
Music in mainstream primary schools.
It would be great to find out more about different disabilities/conditions and successful strategies used by other teachers.  Links with other arts specialists would be great!

Outcomes Assessment

Chartered Teacher Standard components:
Very useful = 1; Not useful = 5

your professional values and personal commitment


your professional knowledge and understanding


your professional and personal attributes