These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Establishing and Developing Communication with young people who are multiply disabled and VI or who are multisensory impaired

Thursday & Friday 25 & 26 May 2006


There is currently very interesting research being carried out in some European countries concerning communication with young people who are multiply disabled and visually impaired or who are multisensory impaired. The focus of the Communciation Network has been on the process of meaning, using different theories to understand how shared understanding can actually happen when one partner in the communication experiences the world in a very different way, due to sensory impairments. This course looked at the present theoretical framework and the main principles for intervention. Topics covered:

  • establishing and developing interaction
  • the emergence of gestures based on experience
  • developing shared conversations through gesture
  • the mental processes fo meaning making
  • exposure to language
  • video analysis as an educational tool

Presenter: Inger Rodbroe, Educational Consultant, the Danish Resource Centre. Inger is a very inspiring speaker, who has many years of experience in this field. She works as a consultant both in her home country of Denmark and also worldwide.

Programme Day 1: Thursday 25 May, 2006

Programme Day 2: Friday 26 May 2006