These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

SSC/Adept Conference: Programme

view of a conference audience

Aiming higher for deaf students - What works? What could work?

Date: Saturday, 24th June 2017
Venue: University of Edinburgh, School of Education, EH8 8AQ
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Cost: £50


9.30 - 10.00 am


10.00 - 10.15 am

Welcome from Professor John Ravenscroft, University of Edinburgh

10.15 - 11.15 am

Keynote Address: Professor Greg Leigh, University of Newcastle, Renwick Centre, "Changing Educational Outcomes for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Building on Early Identification"

11.15 am - 12.15 pm

A: Listening and Text Support

B: Interpreters in Education

C: IT Workshop

Video use in education - are deaf students being left out?

Natalya Dell, UK

The communication access of deaf and hard of hearing students during lectures

Magda Nikolaraizi, Greece

DCAL Assessment Portal

Wolfgang Mann, UK

Subtitling live events through re-speaking

Zoe Moores, UK

Interpreter continuity in educational settings: the benefits and the challenges

Rachel Mapson, Scotland

Research into attainment using soundfield technology

Brian Shannan, Scotland

How deaf children are represented through interpreters to teachers and peers

Jemina Napier/Rosie Oram/Alys Young, UK

12.15 - 1.15 pm

Lunch & Exhibition

12.45 - 1.15 pm

Adept AGM (for Adept Members)

1.15 - 2.00 pm

Keynote Address: Dr Audrey Cameron, "10-year review of the BSL Glossary project"

2.00 - 3.00 pm

D: Working with deaf students

E: BSL and schools

F: Presentation/discussion

The challenges for D/deaf teachers wishing to become teachers of the deaf

Conor Mervyn, Scotland

Examining the process of creating new signs in BSL for science and maths concepts

Gary Quinn, Scotland

Academic performance of deaf children in the co-enrolment programme, Hong Kong

Chris Yiu, Hong Kong

Analysing the 2016 survey of Teachers of deaf children in Scotland

Rachel O'Neill, Scotland

Including young deaf people in the BSL (Scotland) Act

Alison Hendry, Scotland

Supporting effective working relationships in mainstream classrooms: the role of the teaching assistant

Jackie Salter, UK

Deaf Roots and Pride project

Sue Barry, UK

3.00 - 4.00 pm

G: Developing and understanding language skills

H: Deaf students’ attainment

I: Workshop

Communities of practice: literacy and young deaf children

Lise Kristoffersen, Norway

Learning from government data on post-16 deaf learners in UK

Martin McLean, UK

Recent developments in hearing aid and radio aid technology

Joe O'Donnell, Scotland

Communication and language profiles of deafblind children

Jesper Dammeyer, Denmark (presentation cancelled on the day)

When two language modalities meet and the impact on education

Ola Hendar, Sweden

Attainment and deaf learners

Brian Shannan, Scotland

Dynamic assessment of deaf children’s language and literacy

Wolfgang Mann, UK

Measuring listening effort

Helen Willis, UK

4.00 - 4.10 pm

Conclusion: Rachel O'Neill


Paterson's Land, Moray House