These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Achievements of Deaf Pupils in Scotland

Presented in February 2004


  • 10 am Achievements of Deaf Pupils in Scotland: Findings and Issues - ADPS
  • 1.30 pm Launch of the ADPS website - Cathie Craigie

    1.50 pm Partnerships with Stakeholders - Marian Grimes, Maire McCormack,
    Lorna Mortis and Anne Cowgill

  • 2.10 pm ADPS and Deaf Organisations - Ken Corsar, Carole Torrance and Lilian Lawson

2.55 pm Group Discussions

3.30 pm Plenary Sessions


Mary Brennan, ADPS
Marian Grimes, ADPS
Claire Leiper, ADPS
Ernst Thoutenhoofd, ADPS
Cathie Craigie, MSP Chair of Cross Party Group on Deafness
Ken Corsar, Director NDCS Scotland
Carole Torrance, President Elect BATOD
Lilian Lawson, Director SCOD
Mike Gibson, SEED