These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Audiology Refresher 3

Presented in February, 2004

Newborn Hearing Screening

Needs Assessment Report
NHS Audiological Services in Scotland
Public Health Institute of Scotland

Services for children with hearing impairment. Recommendations

  • Multidisciplinary team with a clinical leader.
    Written protocols for diagnosis and management of hearing impairment in children.
  • Links with education, social work, child health, SLT services.
    Equal partner with parents.
    Complete transfer of information.
  • Breaking the news to be done by someone with knowledge of child development.
    Appropriate support personnel to be present at the time of diagnosis or informed promptly.
  • Dedicated facilities for children as their needs are different from adults.
  • Common management structures and sharing of hardware and expertise between adult and children's services.
  • An investment plan for Paediatric Services to be developed to cope with increased demand from UNHS.
  • An early intervention plan to support families to be developed in conjunction with education, social work and voluntary organisations.
  • Systems to be developed to identify late onset, progressive and acquired hearing losses.
  • Phased transition from paediatric to adult services.

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme


  • Edinburgh
  • Dundee
  • Inverness

April 2005

  • Scotland - nationwide

Are you ready?

  • Joint planning
  • Children's Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG)

NHS Scotland/ NDCS leaflets

  • Your baby's hearing screen
  • Your baby's follow-up hearing screen
  • Your baby's visit to the audiology clinic
  • Your baby has a hearing loss

Implications for Education Services

  • Training
  • 52 week cover


Quality standards in paediatric audiology

Guidelines for the early identification and the audiological management of children with hearing loss. Volume IV, NDCS

Quality standards in the early years

Guidelines on working with deaf children under two years old and their families. NDCS

Effective early intervention for deaf children 0-5 and their families. RNID

Early support pilot programme (ESPP)

Protocol for monitoring the development of deaf babies 0-3 years.
  • Communication
  • Listening, attending and vocalisation
  • Social and emotional development
  • Play

PG Cert Deaf Children and Families (early years) University of Manchester

  • The Developing Deaf Infant 0 - 2 years
  • Early Audiological Management
  • Working with Families and Professionals