Outcomes of Paediatric Cochlear Implantation
Presented in February, 2005
Optimising Outcome from Cochlear Implants: Our Experience
Agnes A Allen
Head of Department
Scottish Cochlear Implant Programme for Adults and Children
Scottish Cochlear Implant Programme for Adults & Children
Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock
Purpose of Measuring Outcome
Monitor Progress
Test for Reception of Grammar
Measure Effectiveness
Perceptions / Expectations
- Implant Team
Purpose Statement - to enable profoundly deaf individuals to acquire or retain functional spoken language.
- Child
- Parents
- Local Team
- Health Economists
- Benchmarking
- Predict CI outcome and ‘shape’ Selection Criteria
Selection Criteria
Puretone Audiometry
Average Thresholds (1, 2 & 4KHz) greater than 95dB HLPuretone Thresholds
Aided Thresholds
Aided Thresholds greater than 55dB @ 2&4 KHzAided Thresholds
Evaluating HA Benefit
- Aided Thresholds
- Hearing Aid Fitting
- Speech Perception Tests
- Quality of Sound
- Anecdotal Evidence
Functional Hearing
- Will a cochlear implant improve speech understanding (c.f. a conventional hearing-aid) ?
Speech Perception Tests
- Lings Sounds
- Nonsense Syllables
- Monosyllabic Words
- Sentence Lists (BKB, CUNY, CID) – HA alone, LR alone, HA+LR
- McCormick Toy Test / Manchester Picture Test (PARROT System)
Other Considerations
- the cochlea and inner-ear
MRI Imaging
- integrity of auditory system
- age and duration of deafness
Children who have acquired spoken language
- No upper age limit
Congenitally Deaf Children
- communication skills
- general health
- ability to participate in ‘mapping’
- expectations
- commitment
- spoken language
Outcome Measures
- Aided Thresholds
- Sound Detection / Discrimination / Recognition
- Speech Perception
- Spoken Language
- Educational (Accessing Curriculum etc.)
- Observational Outcome Measures
- Quality of Life
Observational Outcome Measures
CHILDREN1. Displays no awareness of sound. 0%
2. Is aware of environmental sound. 100%
3. Responds to speech sounds. 100%
4. Recognises environmental sounds. 99%
5. Discriminates at least two speech sounds. 99%
6. Discriminates reliably among five speech sounds. 96%
7. Understands common phrases without lip-reading. 78%
8. Understands conversation without lip-reading with a familiar talker. 45%
9. Can use the telephone with a familiar talker. 24%
Achieving a Successful Outcome
- Must wear external equipment
- Commitment / Home Support
- Spoken language exposure
- Mode of Communication
- No significant behaviour / learning difficulties