Boosting Maths Skills in Deaf Children
Presented on 24 April 2008
"In a recent large study in the US, approximately 80% of the deaf
14 year olds performed at basic or below basic levels in mathematics
problem-solving and knowledge of computation procedures.'
Taxler, CB (2000), The Stanford Achievement Test 9th Edition: national
norming and performance standards for deaf and hard of hearing students, Journal
of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 5 337-48
Professor Terezinha Nunes has recently been involved in a research group seeking to develop early interventions for deaf children to improve the learning of mathematics.
All the teaching programmes involved in the study used visual materials – objects, printed pictures and pictures on a computer screen. The research consistently showed that deaf children benefited significantly from these teaching programmes. Terezinha discussed her work on the project and brought examples of successful teaching resources from some of the programmes in the study.
Presenter: Eileen Burns, Teacher of the Deaf and CPD Organiser,
Deaf Education, SSC
Professor Terezinha Nunes, Chair of Educational Studies, University
of Oxford
10.20 am Introduction Eileen Burns
- 10.30 am Overview of the intervention programme Terezinha Nunes
- 11.30 am Children's understanding of additive composition
- 1.30 pm The inverse relation between addition and subtraction
- 2.40 pm Children's multiplicative reasoning
- 3.30 pm Course Evaluation and Close