These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Promoting Literacy in Deaf Children

Presented on Friday, 7 December 2007

Reading Provision within St John's Secondary Curriculum

Catherine Baldwin



Time allocation for literacy (per week)

Reading materials

Key Stage 4 Accreditation

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4


Separate subjects – typical of high school curriculum with exception of MFL

4 English lessons
4 Reading lessons

Wellington Square scheme 'fiction from established authors' KS3 texts

GCSE texts


Special Needs **

(pupils with additional language difficulties – typically below a reading age of 6 yrs/ NC level 2)

Thematic modular curriculum, integrating literacy + humanities
Plus some separate subjects – Maths, Skills-based Science, Technologies, Drama, Music, PSCHE, PE, RE, Careers

13 Language lessons based on modules

Teacher-written / simplified texts relating to modules
+ early-mid levels of Wellington Square

Entry Level Texts

Entry Level Certificates + some GCSEs

Special Needs Plus **

(pupils with additional language difficulties + other special needs – typically below NC level 1)

Thematic modular curriculum, integrating literacy, aspects of humanities + skills for life
Plus some separate subjects – Maths, Technologies, Drama, Music PSCHE, PE, RE, Careers

14 Language lessons based on modules

Teacher-written / simplified texts relating to modules
+ early levels of Wellington Square

Entry Level texts and/or
reading texts relating to ASDAN topics

Entry Level Certificates and/ASDAN

** Individual pupils with specific reading difficulties, eg: dyslexic traits

Additional individual time