These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

'Deaf Plus': a look at the learning implications of additional difficulties

presented in February 2006

Course Evaluation

Number of Participants: 17; Number of Respondents:17

Overall Assessment:

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise


Content and supplementary material


How will you use what you have learned today?

I will be far more confident in teaching a young child with Down's Syndrome. Take more care with level of language used and be more patient regarding progress.
Using general ideas to develop specific materials in my class.
Discuss with other ToDs.
Hope to use ideas shared today in day-to-day team work - knowledge and understanding of Syndromes; ideas for working with Down's Syndrome children and All About Me! ideas.
Share with team of staff at work.
Discussing with families concerns about child's learning in a multidiscipline approach.
Increased awareness in working with families and with teachers.  Different ways of teaching - visual examples for teaching.
Use theoretical info for personal development.  Practical resources back to school.  Greater depth of knowledge/understanding when working with deaf children with additional difficulties - ever increasing number.
Valuable to use with parents and understanding "additional" concept - what does it mean in relation to their child's learning.
Cascade to other staff.
Approach how I work with my Down's Syndrome child in a more "real" and purposeful way.
I feel I have learnt a lot from Dr Grigor this morning with her very informative talk.  Great ideas in the afternoon which can be modified to suit the needs in my school.
Think about presentation, teaching methods to children with learning difficulties, Down's Syndrome etc.
Adapt materials for use with some secondary pupils.
Cascade to the rest of my team.  Help my understanding.  Practical ideas.

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation


Pacing of course/event


What was best about the course/event?
Presentation on Down's Syndrome. Seeing material used with children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
All sessions were valuable in their own right.
More practical ideas - and a chance to discuss theoretical issues.
Great practical ideas. Jackie's presentation was extremely interesting and informative.
So much information and so many ideas! All very down-to-earth and real - can see myself using these ideas and sharing them with colleagues - ToDs and mainstream teachers.
The afternoon sessions with good practical advice.
Good questions raised in the morning sessions. Good information.
Especially interested in syndrome/genetic information and possible implications for learning. Short cases info interesting.
All aspects excellent. Loved Dr Grigor.
Jackie Grigor - always a pleasure to listen to. So much knowledge to impart.
Explanation of "syndromes" - appreciated info of different syndromes. Thinking practically of how children are supported.
The practical hands-on of material from Donaldson's.
Jackie Grigor's talk was excellent - making a potentially dull topic interesting - giving us a medical viewpoint in an accessible and friendly fashion.
It is great to get practical ideas.
Very relevant to every day teaching. Could identify with children in own classes. Jackie Grigor - very interesting.
Jackie Grigor's presentation.
Each speaker was good and worthwhile. Good venue - nice lunch! Networking was useful.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?
Longer allowed for discussion/questions. Introduction of other people attending the course.
Good balance - nothing I can think of could be improved.
More of the same at another time!
Everything was excellent!
Comfort break pm.
Nothing - fabulous day!
More time to talk to other delegates - always learn from other's experiences.
Toilet break in first session!
I think there is still lots to learn in all areas and from all speakers today.

Any other comments regarding the course?
An interesting and informative day.
Good sharing of best practice.
A really useful and interesting day.
Good to see visually what is used for pupils with communication difficulties.
More of the same.
Many thanks to all involved in organisation of the day.
Enjoyed small "class" size. Makes for good networking opportunities.
The size of group made it easier for communication with others on course.
Would benefit from another day - follow on.
A lot in the day and kept my interest. Secondary school pupils' needs addressed as well - thank you.

Location and Venue
Convenient location for this course: No Response 2; Yes 14; No 1

Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Convenience of venue


Quality of venue


Likely to attend if venue was used again: No Response 2; Likely 15; Less Likely

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?
Bilingualism and teaching reading.
More practical ideas which ToD could use.
Audiological issues. Working with cochlear implant children in mainstream.
More days like this on deaf work.; Additional difficulties and strategies to support such pupils.
Emotional/psychological support to families who have a baby born with disabilities. Maybe on future evaluation forms to ask delegates the "most important thing I've learnt today".
More on Audiology, updates on Cochlear Implant Programmes and NHS screening, and new ASN legislation.
BSL training (Level 2).
Deaf and physical disabilities, deaf and dyspraxia, dyslexia.
Audiology - reading graphs etc. Radio aids - working of and troubleshooting.

Outcomes Assessment

If you are a teacher, how would you rate this course in relation to the following "Chartered Teacher Standard" components:
Very useful = 1; not useful = 5

your professional values and personal commitment


your professional knowledge and understanding


your professional and personal attributes
