These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Signing SQA Exams

Presented on Wednesday 3 February 2010

Course evaluation summary

Number of Participants: 16           
Number of Respondents: 16

Overall Assessment:

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise


Content and supplementary material


How will you use what you have learned today?
Encourage students' own ownership of seeking out BSL assistance through their exams.
In own practice. With colleagues back at school. Should improve experience of exams for pupils.
To look at written text from a BSL point of view even though using SSE. Encourage more use of sign language with all pupils.
Ask for involvement of deaf adults who are BSL experts - not available before.
That language developed by groups has a greater chance of being accurate, accepted and disseminated.
I will continue to get deaf subject teachers’ support when preparing communications for exams.
Have made plans to use science signs website for staff and pupils.
Put it into practice.
That preparation is paramount.
Lots of practice with colleagues required!
Information learnt today should help in planning and preparation for exams.
In arranging AAAs. Gives me an overall understanding of signing during assessments and in classes.
Share with colleagues SQA Guidelines, with practical guidance. Use practically and thinking more about giving pupils a choice in mode delivered (lower secondary).  Preparing early for prospective candidates in exam techniques etc.
I will use all I have learned to provide better translations for pupils.
Some of Audrey's activities I will use. Try and involve deaf professional in preparation for examination.
Want to use it for planning support with pupils who use BSL. Don't have pupils at the moment who are signing exams but have P7s coming up who are BSL users. Continuity of support seems important and preparing BSL pupils in alternative assessments from start. Definitely want to make use of science glossary.

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation


Pacing of course/event


What was best about the course/event?
Speaking to colleagues 'ahead of the game' in signing examinations content.
Practical elements. All the presenters were excellent.
Meeting other ToDs. Exchanging ideas. (3)
It was all good.
Mixture of backgrounds - both presenters and participants - giving a wide variety of experiences. Good interaction and participation by all.
Hearing other people’s points of view. Learning how science signs etc were developed. (2)
Sharing concerns with colleagues and finding lots of similarities.
Discussion with other course participants. (2)
Raising awareness of resources available. Discussing with others issues/problems and solutions with translating into BSL and SE. Motivation to upgrade signing skills. Great being with deaf adults. Good to remind self - know more than I thought!
Sharing experience with other people and being able to ask for advice.
Discussion and viewing Gary signing exams.
All input was excellent - also much appreciated in that experience was shared - good to discuss issues others have experienced.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?
A wider range of exam materials - say humanities, RE, PE?
A little rushed at the end.
More time for practical examples.
More please!
More signing website/glossaries needed! General subjects as well as technical language (Home Econ) hospitality.
Translating, the craft and design, plus crit exam could have been more rigorous and structured to discuss actual translation of pupils’ signing.

Any other comments regarding the course?
It gave me a lot to think about - how we currently teach pupils who opt to use BSL in exams and how we can improve our practice.
Very worthwhile to attend for anyone involved in educating/communicating with the Deaf community.
Very useful. This support could be useful every year. The needs of our pupils and staff change from year to year.
More of the same required.
A very enjoyable and worthwhile day.
In my opinion it would be better to have at least some BSL experience.
Very worthwhile and well presented.
Great structure, good variety speakers.

Location and Venue Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Convenience of venue


Quality of venue


Have you made use of the website? If yes:






Less Often

No Response



No Response








More content.
More visual/colourful.

How did you hear about this course?
SSC Courses Brochure. (11)
Co-ordinator/Line Manager. (2)
SSC Website. (1)
No response. (2)

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?
Perhaps focus on the extremes of the spectrum: we have pupils in the 5th Form and in Year 8 (13 years old) who don’t register on NC levels and with reading age of 5 and 6 years old.
Post-level 3 courses.
Language Modifying.
Curriculum for Excellence.
More BSL opportunities.

Outcomes Assessment

Chartered Teacher Standard components:
Very usefu l= 1; Not useful = 5

your professional values and personal commitment


your professional knowledge and understanding


your professional and personal attributes
