These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Emotional Wellbeing Training Programme: Getting it right for deaf children and young people

Presented on Wednesday 13 January 2010


NDCS have developed a new, exciting Healthy Minds Resource to help support the emotional wellbeing of deaf children and young people. The resource is aimed at deaf children from ages 10 to 18 years. It has step by step instruction on how to encourage young deaf people to look at having a 'healthy mind', setting in place preventative measures against poor self-esteem and poor mental health. The contents of the resource focus on: self esteem and positive wellbeing; handling emotions and understanding triggers for those emotions; identifying and recognising support mechanisms; being a young deaf person; managing and owning the deafness. All the sessions are guidelines for the facilitators to create an opportunity for open discussion through fun group work, written and visual exercises.

Target Audience: Teachers, Parents and all those who work with deaf children or young people.

Presenter: Caroline Doherty, Emotional Well-Being Manager, NDCS
Carole Torrance, Scottish Sensory Centre
