These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Count Us In

Presented on Monday 23 June 2008


Achieving Success for Deaf Pupils - How can we use it to benefit deaf pupils?

Scotland now has a self-evaluation document produced jointly by HMIe and NDCS focusing on evaluating and improving the educational experience of deaf pupils. This short course provided opportunities for participants to look at this new document in detail and consider how it can be used by their school or service to improve the overall educational experience of their deaf pupils. The course included input from the main HMIe inspector involved in the production of the document, Christine Knight. As well as providing an insight into the thinking behind this document, she provided guidance on how it can be used alongside How Good is Our School? The Journey to Excellence Part 3 to evaluate provision. Marion Reid, Fife Sensory Support Service, talked about how she has made use of the document in her service.

Target Audience: All professionals involved in the education of deaf children.

Presenters: Christine Knight, HMIe;
Marion Reid, Fife Sensory Support Service;
Eileen Burns, ToD & CPD organiser, SSC
Judith Croft, Principal Teacher Auchmuty High School Resourced Based for Deaf Pupils


10.20 am Welcome and introduction, Eileen Burns