Count Us In
Presented on Monday 23 June 2008
How can we use it to benefit deaf pupils?
Fife Council: EducationSensory Support Service
Marion Reid, Manager
Judith Croft, Principal Teacher of the Deaf in Charge of Auchmuty High
School Resourced Base for Deaf Pupils
Fife Council: Education Sensory Support Service
- Supporting deaf children and young people from age of diagnosis to school leaving age
- Peripatetic Service with 3 Resourced Bases for Deaf Pupils: 1 Primary and 2 Secondary
- Pupils are also placed in Donaldson's
- 218 pupils on active caseload plus 39 listed
- 1 Educational Audiologist
- 16.5 FTE Teachers of the Deaf
How are we using Count Us in?
The guide is for
- Teachers who have deaf pupils in their classes, whether in mainstream or specialist settings.
- Staff in peripatetic services supporting deaf pupils.
- Management teams in schools for the deaf, schools with units or enhanced resources for deaf pupils and mainstream schools with deaf pupils attending.
- Education authority officers responsible for providing services and monitoring the quality of education for deaf pupils.
How we are using Count Us in
We are using the document in our planning for excellence
- Initially, ensuring all Teachers of the Deaf are familiar with the document.
- Following the launch on 14 November 2007, copies issued to all ToDs and schools.
- The document was the focus of the November In Service Training Day for Teachers of the Deaf, Educational Audiologist and Pupil Support Assistants.
- As a self evaluation tool to reflect on our own practice and to inform our Service Development and Resourced Base Development Plans.
- Using key areas and key features of Part 1 as basis for departmental review.
- Using the signposts to Excellence in Part 2 to inform improvements in areas highlighted by HMIe inspection and as a result of self- evaluation process.
- Plan to further flag up the document to colleagues in schools to help inform planning and practice.
Example 1
"Specialist staff need to continually support pupils in developing
communication strategies when in collaborative learning situations with
hearing peers." HMIe recommendation for AHS
Enhanced Personal and Social Education Programme
Involve pupils and staff –
- Part 2 - Dimensions of Excellence
- Dimension 1- Learning as personal development
- Signpost to Excellence – Deaf Pupils who are confident individuals and are included in the life of the school
- Prompt - Deaf awareness is incorporated into the personal and social education programme for the school and delivered by deaf pupils, where appropriate.
PSE Programme
- PSE programme of deaf awareness to all S1 and S2 classes
- Presentation by deaf pupils at all House Assemblies – staff and pupils
- Lunchtime sign club
- Deaf awareness for school staff
Example 2
" share formally the steps required to ensure that deaf
pupils participate fully in learning." HMIe recommendation for AHS
Judith will highlight how using the signposts to excellence prompts within Part 2 supports the planning for excellence for deaf pupils.