These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

The Transition Processes for Young Deaf People

Presented on Wednesday 11 November 2009

Transition to College

Rachel O'Neill


  1. School preparation
  2. What can you expect from college
  3. Funding in FE
  4. NATED assessment pack
  5. Social life after school

What colleges would like schools to do...

  • At least one work placement
  • Independent travel training
  • Visits to several colleges
  • Look at a range of linguistic access methods and try them if possible
  • Parents involved in discussing the differences

Which college?

  • Encouraging the deaf student and their family to be consumers
  • Investigate the level of courses where deaf students are working
  • The range of access available, whatever the deaf student’s personal choice

What can you expect?

  • FACE shows some of the range
  • It doesn’t mention language support tutorials or the role of the tutor of deaf students
  • Ask for more, eg; language modified texts, language tutorials, additional BSL

Link courses

  • Useful for colleges to assess the new student over time
  • Risk that the student may be channelled into most basic provision
  • Assertiveness work and role play in school can prepare the student for guidance interview at college

Funding after 16

  • Needs led funding has arrived
  • No more talk about charities
  • HE funding is excellent
  • Disabled Students Allowance £20,000 year

How does FE funding work?

  • Circular SFC/02/2009
  • Personal Learning Support Plans
  • Extended Learning Support: 1.5 weighting
  • DPG18: special courses

NATED Assessment Pack

  • NATED Scotland is being launched on 4th December at BRITE centre
  • Assessment pack is available to BATOD / NATED members who have a suitable assessment team
  • Schools can start this process and hand the forms over to college
  • This is one way to improve support at college

Social life at college

  • Making extra curricular activities accessible
  • Volunteers from BSL classes
  • Deaf peer group
  • Awareness for hearing peers

D/deaf identity

  • Don't wait till the last year of school
  • D/deaf role models are important
  • Discuss the choice to belong or not to different communities


Telephone: 0131 651 6429
Lecturer in deaf education Moray House School of Education University of Edinburgh Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ