SSC Course 7: Secondary Focus Day - Transition process for deaf school leavers
Presented on Tuesday, 12th November 2013
Courses evaluation summary
Number of Participants: 20
Number of Respondents: 20
Overall Assessment:
How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Enhancement to your expertise |
1.9 |
Content and supplementary material |
2 |
How will you use what you have learned today?
Pass information onto young adults in audiology transition service.
Suggest successful transition techniques to mainstream staff. Give information to pupils approaching transition stage.
Aim to more fully access support from Action on Hearing Loss/STUC and other agencies, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to help deaf school leavers; aim to create planning making use of NDCS materials.
Looking broadly at what is going on to support transitions already - gaps remaining.
Share info with parents. Questions to ask college, hearing impaired service.
To better support my secondary age pupils. Know what agencies to tap into.
About good practice in schools.
Hope to liaise with the work experience co-ordinator in school to look at widening the range/appropriateness of work experience placements for deaf pupils.
Will work with the young people on my caseload who are deaf in encouraging them to engage with the organisations that can offer them further support with their transition from school to college/employment. I will be contacting Action on Hearing Loss Scotland.
Will share this information with colleagues, will use to inform future planning that I participate in for young people.
Telling my colleagues about the day.
Thought-provoking. Need for pooling of events to reach individual pupils in individual schools.
That the service we currently deliver could easily be shared with others.
Add ideas to my own service. Union - info for young people.
I will make contact with St Roch's, Donaldson's and Action on Hearing Loss to look at and learn from their approach and resources.
Will share info with team and colleagues in education, and generic employability projects.
Feedback to local authority as we are looking at transition programmes. Feedback to those working with school leavers.
This course has enhanced my knowledge on post-school support for deaf school leavers. As a result, I will develop links with key speakers.
Inform colleagues of resources, organisation, courses available.
How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Clarity of presentation |
1.55 |
Pacing of course/event |
2.05 |
What was best about the course/event?
Good opportunity to network. Useful information to use in daily practice.
Information from staff at St Roch's about how they help their pupils with transition.
I was very interested to learn of the practical measures taken in St Roch's to support their pupils. Learning about outside agencies.
Opportunity to discuss in groups, asking speakers questions.
Networking. Discussion groups. Finding out what is available in Fife. All deliveries were interesting and helpful.
Learning more about local agencies, eg, Action on Hearing Loss.
Finding out invaluable information from all speakers and how I can use this relevant information/advice/support with the young people I work with. Future Focus Ð doing some excellent work!
Presentation from St Roch's and Action on Hearing Loss particularly useful with regards to practical support with young people.
General information about what is available to deaf pupils on leaving school that can be passed on.
Not having to travel to Edinburgh! Refreshing change for me. Good venue.
Transition and the views of the group.
Hearing about St Roch's transition.
Networking and being able to consider others' approaches, experience and commonalities.
Enjoyed all input.
Good general information raising event.
Learning more about supporting deaf young people. All presentations were very good, particularly Future Focus, Employability Project.
I thought all the presentations were interesting and informative.
What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?
Input from pupils who have gone through transition process.
Some input from college/Uni/Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) to advise on issues related to making an application.
More info concerning Fife area or course at venue that was nearer.
Timing/pacing could have been better, too much time wasted. More handout materials, powerpoint presentations emailed to course participants, information prior to event. Not everyone was coming from a school -
intro to SSC and what they do.
Handouts available. (2)Timing - too much time between morning and afternoon sessions.
Excellent course.
Felt pace of event as a whole was slow, gaps between presenters, technology not able to show all presentations, course may have been better as a half day, or more presenters/workshops. STUC input not helpful.
Parking seems to be difficult.
More time for discussion. (2)
Noise level and interruptions throughout the day - other than this the venue, hosts and presenters were excellent! Well done!!!
While I applaud taking course out of Edinburgh, this venue is too far from major transport links and has inadequate parking.
More information on how to support deaf school leavers with more complex needs.
How did you hear about this course?
Course Info Email from SSC: 12
Co-ordinator/Line Manager: 1
SSC eBulletin: 1
Colleague: 5