Secondary Focus Day - Transition process for deaf school leavers
Presented on 12 November 2013 at St Roch's Secondary School, Glasgow
Transitions Process for Deaf Children Leaving School
- Scotland- NEET 13.3% 2012
- In UK only 58% of population working age deaf people employed compared to 80% of non-disabled working age population
- Benefits Culture
- NDCS's vision is of a world without barriers for every deaf child.
- 'A template for success'
- Communication
- Personally Adjusted
- Lack of knowledge of their rights
- Accessing information and advice
- Lack of confidence
- Sheltered education
- Benefits Culture
- Lack of incidental learning
- Delay in language acquisition
- Qualifications
- Shortage of interpreters
- Funding Why do Deaf Children Drop out of Further Education?
- Lack of peer models
- Negativity
- Low expectations
- Poor interpreter ability
- Interpreter Shortage
- Non-specific supports
- Transition Plan
- College Visit (School / SDS)
- Communication Support discussed
- Planning (School - SDS - College)
- Deaf awareness training?
- Induction
- Contact person if difficulty
- Early review
- Should demonstrate effective collaboration between agencies to encourage high aspirations and enable all young people to achieve potential.
- More Choices, More Chances
- 16+ Learning Choices
- Endorses Getting it Right for Every Child
- Building the Curriculum 4: Skills for Learning, Life and Work
- Personal Support/ Personal Development
- Deaf friendly resources
- Enterprise/ Literacy/ Numeracy Carousels
- Life skills classes
- Enterprise class
- Speakers
- Visit to Dogs Trust
- Business Partnerships: Novotel, Dogs Trust, RSBI
- Work placement to suit all pupils from (1 day- 1 week)
- Supported work placements
- Support with travel
- Careers input from Careers Advisor
- Beauty Therapy
- Nails
- Hair
- Personal Hygiene
- Shopping trips
- Teaching signing/ deaf awareness to mainstream children
- Individualised timetable
- College links
- Liaison with the College in transition
- Vocational Links
- Partnership working- Action on Hearing Loss, Deaf Connections, WSDCS
- Visit Hearing Dogs for Deaf Coffee Morning
- S1 making enterprise products
- S5/6 Enterprise Company budgeting/ shopping/ marketing/ selling products
- Coffee Morning raise money for Hearing Dogs and school funds
- Collection for Dogs Trust/ Visit
- Work Experience
- Early planning (ASL Act)
- Knowing your rights
- Knowing all options for access support
- Students knowing which access support most suitable for them
- Understanding the social aspect of a move
- Knowing where to get help
- Concern about level of appropriate support
- Gap between school and college/employment services
- Why are access services not accepted as norm in schools?
- Must be co-ordinated approach to information
- Work together with parents
- Work in partnership with other agencies
- Need for more preparation by some colleges for pupils with additional needs
Not in Education, Employment or Training
Successful Transitions
Potential Barriers for Deaf Children: Workshop (5 mins)
Outline the potential barriers for deaf young people during a 16+ transition
Potential Barriers for Deaf Children
"He is intimidated by the size of the university campus, the number of people, professors who do not know him because they do not associate together ... It is so easy to quit ... they are reliant upon the interpreter for what is going on.
Coupled with the English language difficulties, courses are merely hours of enigmas that incur insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, and a great deal of headaches."Ade Marais (2006) Why Interpreting Services Limit Academic Achievement in Southern Universities in the United States.
Potential Barriers for Deaf Children
Workshop (5 mins): You have a 18 year old school leaver who has indicated that she wants a career in Catering. She has identified a HNC course. Her family are not particularly supportive. What steps could you take to assist?
School Partnership Agreement
St RochÕs Department for Deaf Education Careers Education
NPA Enterprise and Employability SCQF 5
Preparing for life after school?
(SSC (2006) Moving Through: Stages of the educational journey for deaf children and young people in North Ayrshire - A Parent/Carer Guide)
Support Leaving School
(SSC, 2005, Moving on from School: challenges for deaf pupils, their families and professionals)
(NDCS, 2007, Count Us In Achieving Success For Deaf Pupils)