These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Literacy Workshop 1: Should We Teach Phonics to Deaf Children?

Postponed to Monday 26 March 2007

Scottish Sensory Centre Working Party for Teachers of the Deaf who teach English

Mary Dowell

Working Party Why?

  • SSC Ideas Sharing Session 4 October 2005
  • Not re-inventing the wheel
  • Unanimous agreement

Who is interested?

  • Teachers of literacy in various contexts
    eg; peripatetic, mainstream units, specialist schools
  • People prepared to share their own resources in an un-self-conscious way
  • 'pure heart' notion

What could a Working Party provide?

  • Consistent standards of resources
  • Wealth of resources
  • Progress in developing deaf-friendly materials that are not commercially available


  • "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry"
    Bi-lingual approach to teaching the novel
    Donaldson's College 2006
  • "Nelson Mandela"
    Hodder and Stoughton, Livewire: Real Lives Series
    under development
  • "Stormbreaker - THE GRAPHIC NOVEL" (Anthony Horowitz)
    under development


Encourage networking and sharing of resources

  • Keep each other aware of new developments in IT and other relevant resources
    eg; "Teaching Toolkit and Resource Pack: Raising Deaf Children's Achievements in Literacy"
    Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children
  • Word Wheels - bi-lingual grammar programme
    Kathryn Clark (author)


  • Create a forum to share examples of goods practice in the work of deaf pupils
  • Crossmarking
    Confer on assessment issues
    "Support Strategies for Candidates who use Sign in SQA exams"

What next?

Email me if interested
Meet at Moray House (SSC can provide facilities)
Use SSC website for sharing information?