Preparing Deaf Students for Exams and Leaving School
Presented on Thursday, 7 October 2010
Assessing the needs of deaf students
Rachel O’Neill
Scottish Sensory Centre
- What is the NATED Assessment Pack?
- A deaf student's journey through FE
- The range of access arrangements
- Further staff training possibilities
What is the NATED Assessment Pack?
- National Association for Tertiary Education for Deaf People
- Links to FACE
- The assessment team: tutor of deaf students, BSL assessor, audiologist
A deaf student's journey through FE
- Initial
- On-entry
- Review
- Early exit
- Exit
Initial assessment
- Before course begins
- Information from school and from the student
- Checking previous experiences of educational access
Initial: Audiology
- Audiological information - why it may be needed & how to interpret it.
- Audiogram
- Speech test
- Information about hearing aid, radio aid, shoes, CI, hearing aid clinic.
Initial: Core skills
- Literacy and numeracy skills - why diagnostic assessment may be needed and the implications
- Vocabulary range (eg; Nation's online assessment)
- Grammar assessment (eg; pre-tests in Swan & Walter)
- Free writing (eg; Burman's levels)
- Reading assessment (eg; Edinburgh Reading test)
- Numeracy diagnostic test (eg; Readwrite plus)
- Non-verbal ability assessment (eg; Ravens Matrices)
- Learning style discussion
- Confidence with IT
Initial: communication skills
- Why it may be needed
- Speech / lipreading skills
- BSL skills: who can assess?
- Assertiveness in adjusting the communication environment
Initial: discussion with the student
- Possible access arrangements
- Electronic Notetaking
- Interpreting
- Additional tutorial
- Hearing aid checks
- Speech and language therapy
- Language modification
- Subtitling
- Additional core skills
- BSL course
- Equipment
- Deaf awareness for tutors and peers
- Access for enrichment activities
On Entry assessment
- Review initial assessment with student
- Explore programme information
- Syllabus and exam arrangements
- Residentials - predict access needs
- Work experience - predict access needs
- Deaf awareness arrangements
- Timetable and staff time allocated
- Induction to access arrangements
Reviewing access arrangements
- Weekly opportunities to review access arrangements
- Deaf student meetings Plan review meeting with student in advance
- Half-yearly review meeting: student, parents (if relevant), main tutor, reports from all tutors, action plan.
Early Exit Assessment
- Dropped out
- Got a job
- Record student views if possible
- Refer on and follow up
Exit assessment
- Planning for work or higher education
- Review of access arrangements
- Second half of last year at college
Recommending access arrangements that are hard to find
Our view of what is possible for deaf learners changes over time. Should we recommend access arrangements which are not yet widely available? In my view this is the minimum:
- A trained tutor of deaf students
- A trained Electronic Notetaker
- A trained Educational Interpreter
How can colleges make anticipatory adjustments?
- Consult with local d/Deaf organisations
- Train Electronic Notetakers
- Find a BSL or ESOL tutor and train him / her as a tutor of deaf students
- Run advanced BSL courses to feed into interpreter training courses
- Record unmet need, don't hide it
HMIE (2006) Evaluating Inclusiveness. Livingston: HMIE
O'Neill, R and Laidler, A (2003) Investigating text support for deaf students in Deafness and Education in the UK: Research Perspectives, Ed Gallaway, C & Young, . London: Whurr
RNID (2005) Deaf Students at College. London: RNID
Swan, M & Walter, C (2001) The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Diana Burman’s writing assessment:
- Edinburgh Reading Test
- Equality Act 2010
- NATED website:
- NATED Scotland:
- Nation, P Vocabulary test online:
- Ravens progressive matrices:
- Readwrite plus: diagnostic numeracy tests
- Scottish Sensory Centre online Level 3 course in modifying texts for deaf learners: