These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Including deaf children in mainstream schools

Presented on Thursday 14 September 2006


“…though the current policy of inclusion and normalisation is deeply affecting and even abusive, it is largely based on ignorance and because things have always been done this way. This has led to lack of resources and staff development and has compounded the problem for workers who are actually trying to take heed of the deaf community’s wishes.”

Deaf Toolkit: Best Value Review of Deaf Children
Education, from Users’ Perspective (2004, p8)
DEX Deaf Ex Mainstream Group

How do we empower the deaf child in mainstream education?
Is your school as inclusive as it could be?

This course focussed on the controversial area of educational inclusion for deaf pupils. The course offered valuable deaf awareness strategies as well as insights on inclusion from a deaf perspective. Issues discussed:

  • Who is responsible for the education of the deaf child?
  • How do deaf pupils access information and participate in class?
  • What does it mean to collaborate with the Teacher of the Deaf?
  • Class management issues.
  • Strategies to promote effective inclusion.
  • Inclusion issues from the deaf perspective.

Presenters: Marian Grimes, Research Associate, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh
Eileen Burns, Accessibility and Inclusion Project Manager, The National Deaf Children's Society
Debra Dalton, Deaf Action
Jill Dunlop, Student, University of Edinburgh
Ann Cowgill, Coordinator HI Service, Crosshouse Education Centre


10.20 Introduction - John Ravenscroft