Supporting Deaf Pupils in Secondary Schools
Presented on Wednesday 28 September, 2011
H Ashley McKenzie
Multi-Sensory Service, Dundee
Facilitating Inclusion in a Mainstream Secondary
Multi-skilled Team
Facilitating Inclusion
- Flexible approach to supporting students
- Effective communication
- Awareness-raising
- Deaf studies and PSD program
- Enhanced transition
- Sign language training
Supporting Students
- ECSW's interpreting in mainstream classes
- TOD's teaching in base and providing tutorial back-up
- Staff working collaboratively to share info re pupil needs
- Use of electronic notetaking
- Individualised assessment arrangements
Effective Communication
- Collaborative working between sensory staff and mainstream staff
- PT meetings
- Link Officer
- Contact logs
Effective Communication
- Target meetings at beginning of session
- Annual review meetings
- Parents night
- Course choices
- Parental questionnaire
- SE talks to S1
- Training arranged for all school staff
- Sensory Awareness Week
Visit by Role Models
Deaf Studies and PSD
- Specially created PSD program to address the needs of HI pupils
- Outings arranged with HI pupils from other areas
- Listening Bus
- Orkney trip
- Presentations
Visit by Guide dogs and Hearing Dogs for the deaf
Enhanced Transition
- Transition begins in P6 and is developed during P7
- Pupils attend secondary for DEAF STUDIES
- Primary 7 nights
- Transition lessons are held weekly between January and June
- Principal Teacher attends annual review
Sign Language
- Learn to sign class for school staff
- Signing club for pupils
- Learn to Sign option for other schools