Moving on from School: challenges for deaf pupils, their families and professionals
Presented on Wednesday 28 September 2005
"(the school) always organise everything for me, but now I have
to do it by myself and that's a big jump."
16 year-old school leaver
(NDCSA [2001] My school in Scotland, p 25
The course brought together parents, professionals and young deaf people themselves to explore key aspects of this major time of transition. Limitations and opportunities built into the school environment were explored, as well as the roles of key professionals such as teachers of deaf pupils and careers advisors.
Presenters: Marian Grimes, Consultant in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education,
Scottish Sensory Centre;
Cathy Howieson, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Education and Society,
University of Edinburgh;
Claire Guthrie, Lecturer Extended Learning Support, Glasgow Metropolitan
- 10.20 am Introduction Marian Grimes
- School leaving - a time for active decision-making Cathy Howieson
- Stories from Former Pupils Marian Grimes<
- 1.30 pm Are deaf pupils always well prepared for life after school? Claire Guthrie
- Discussions in small groups Summing up and Evaluation
Discussions in small groups
Opportunities and challenges in the school environment Panel discussion