These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

How Families can support early literacy

Presented on 21 February 2004

Factors in Supporting Literacy

by Brian Shannan

  • Appropriate communication mode in place
  • Should be child-led using their own experiences/knowledge
  • Appropriate resources
  • Level and pattern of support
  • Effective collaboration home:shool:ToD:Speech and Language therapist

Factors in supporting literacy using Sign Language

  • 90% + of all deaf children are born into hearing families
  • sign language may not be the first language of the home
  • Lack of confidence/fluency in using sign language in the home
  • In the Gregory et al (1995) study, most young people welcomed attempts by their paretns to sign as it gave recognition of their deafness
  • Spencer (1993) suggests that signing competence improved if more than one member of the family were involved

Overcoming these barriers

  • The need for a standard software package available throughout the service
  • The software required to be compatible with digital video/photography
  • The software also needed to allow auditory input and output
  • Easy to use by staff/parents/children
  • Could be used by children using different communication approaches
  • Have a significant visual element.