Course 2: Motivate-Engage-Influence-Control

Assistive and communication technology for learners with severe and complex ASN including visual impairment

Presented on Wednesday, 28th August 2019

two small boys playing with cars in the sand, at the beach

Course evaluation summary

Number of Participants: 28
Number of Respondents: 23

Overall Assessment:

Enhancement to your expertise: 4.7;
      Content and supplementary material: 4.9;
      Clarity of presentation: 4.8;
      Pacing of course/event: 4.7
      (where 1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent)

Will you do anything differently as a result of today's training?

I will not focus on switches given that the boys I will be teaching are able to use touch screens. I will create an app to use Signalong (makaton) to control Marty the Robot.
Liaison with school staff re switch use throughout the day; revisit Ian's website re info; skills progression; eye gaze and possible apps. Investigate use of switch with music apps and YouTube and parents' music.
Look closely.
Yes. Consider more appropriate touch screen, iPad and switch activities.
Consider what tools to use - switch, touch etc and support progression with children I work with.
Hugely change the way I am working with two of my pupils!
Awareness of switch activities' effectiveness and how they impact on the children. Evaluate my presentation of any technology. The importance of using technology every day in different activities.
Will use new resources and planning documents. Will influence my target setting.
Think very differently about switch building. Use different software for specific activities.
A reminder to keep the child at the centre, keeping motivation as the key.
I have a much better understanding of how I can help my children to use switches and how I can support them using touch screen activities. Won't be using eye gaze with my current pupils.
Will definitely implement appropriate switch and touch screen equipment and activities with a clearer way forward. Thank you!
Re-evaluate class and school practice. Share knowledge with colleagues.
Will reassess switch use and eye gaze.
I have gained a much greater understanding of how to progress switch skills, this will enable me to be much more effective in planning for specific pupils.
Cascade info to colleagues. Try new things to engage pupils. Observe more!
Absolutely - ditching the eye gaze! I'm sick of struggling to set it up for 2 minutes work at the expense of other more useful switch opportunities.
Make me think about how eye gaze is being used within schools in my authority. Assessments of switch use.
Encourage more regular use and opportunities within own class and others.
I will 'wait' and 'watch' a lot more.
Create some switch it Juke Boxes. Explore more software.
Analyse how I will use eye gaze and switch use.

What was best about the course/event?

The pace and coverage of material. Especially reviewing existing products and methods of teaching at ASN schools! The enthusiasm and execution of the presentation by the speaker.
Experienced presenter re education and ICT; very accessible information and masses of ideas to follow up :). Thank you, Ian, for being so creative and generous with your expertise.
Enthusiasm, experience of presenter (3).
Helping me understand how to use technology with pupils, what my approach or philosophy should be.
Useful and informative tools to support children with complex ASN.
Exploration of resources available. The pupil-led approach.
Awareness of eye gazes faults. Use of different switches which suits individual children.
Interesting and entertaining presentation - really enjoyable but learned a lot. Fantastic tips/links and ideas about how to present activities.
Ian's knowledge and delivery of the content. Kept everyone engaged.
Course content very appropriate to the needs/abilities of my present class.
Very informative and can relate to our school and specific needs of pupils.
Information specific for complex needs.
Great range of free/affordable programmes/resources recommended.
Resource ideas. Realising I'm not alone in this, people facing same challenges.
Really clear steps for switch engagement. Ideas for using the iPad more meaningfully.
Information related to pupil's understanding/needs.
Real experiences and analogies kept it engaging.
Practical advice and resources.
Switch information.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?

Slide material being provided to each attendee. A note of the apps used/discussed after covering material in the presentation.
Perhaps more interactive activities with others and myself and maybe question and answer session. Also could have done with a handout.
Being able to explore some apps on touch screens or iPads - hands-on time.
Maybe more time for questions.
A practical session giving us a chance to discuss and explore resources - I know there was no time for this!
2 days!
More information on benefits/use of eye gaze.

How did you hear about this course?

Course Info Email from SSC: 7
Co-ordinator/Line Manager: 2
SSC eBulletin: 5
SSC Website: 2
Ian Bean Website: 1

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?

Makaton/signalong courses.
Any focus on sensory needs/tools to support hypo/hyper sensitivity sensory profile.
More similar events would be valuable to my own practice.
Practical workshops on setting up technologies eg. switches to PCs etc.
On-body signing.
Play boxes. Boardmaker Online. Tacpac.
More about autism and visual impairment.
Promoting communication in deaf pupils with profound learning difficulties.
Adapting primary aged books for children with visual impairment.