These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Special Education & Disability Act and SI Education

Presented on Tuesday, 12 March 2002


10.30 am Introduction and Background, Sheila Riddell

11.45 am The Implications of the Special Education & Disability Act:

The Implications of the Special Education & Disability Act for Schools/FE&HE with pupils and students
with VI- Marianna Buultjens

1.45 pm Separate Discussion Groups:

For those concerned with Schools / FE&HE for pupils and students with visual impairment and
Schools / FE&HE for pupils and students who are deaf

3 pm Plenary: Issues to be taken back to Schools, Services and Education Authorities

3.30 pm Evaluation and Finish

Professor Sheila Riddell, Director, Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research, University of Glasgow
Lilian Lawson, Director, Scottish Council on Deafness
Mary Brennan, Reader in Deaf Education, Scottish Sensory Centre
Marianna Buultjens, Co-ordinator, Scottish Sensory Centre
Marian Grimes, Research Associate, ADPS Project, SSC