Target setting in Mobility for Pupils with Visual Impairment
- Background to mobility education in North Lanarkshire
- Evolving concept of mobility education
- The place of mobility education within the target setting framework
Background to mobility education in North Lanarkshire Council
Prior to 1993
2001 to date
Evolving concept of mobility and independence education
The development of mobility and independence skills as an integral
part of the education provision.
The key elements of NLS mobility education service.
Blind and partially sighted children in Britain (RNIB survey 1992)
40% of young people over 12 years of age never went out independently.
Only a quarter of those surveyed had had mobility training.
Young people with VI themselves cited mobility education as the most important
element in allowing them to lead independent and socially well-adjusted lives.
Key elements of NLC mobility education
- Education focussed approach
- Open to all pupils
- Key component of the special VI curriculum
- Specialist is both teacher and adviser
- Links with parents.
Place of mobility education within target setting framework
Key principles of policy
Inclusion agenda
Individual education plans
Key principles
‘All young people in our schools have the right to receive
an education of the highest quality which is appropriate to their needs and
From ‘raising standards setting targets’ (SEED 1999)
Inclusion of all pupils within the target setting agenda
Focus in on high expectations for all.
Aim to create school communities where all pupils have meaningful participation
in learning opportunities.
Such learning programmes must be measurable in terms of progress, personal
development and achievement.
Individual educational plan
Both a process and a document
Setting targets.
‘Steps to independence’ (RNIB 2002)
Children should work towards long-term educational goals.
Mobility and independence training should be involved in education planning
and review process.
Formal record keeping mechanisms should be in place to record the child’s