These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Play and Communication for Children with Visual Impairment and Additional Support Needs

Presented on Monday & Tuesday 1 & 2 December 2008


This two-day course looked at play and active learning for pupils with visual impairment and complex needs and how this affects the young person's opportunities and motivations to communicate. Day 1 focussed on communication and how to develop each pupil's potential using interactive techniques, and the importance of observation and child centred learning. Day 2 concentrated on developing the pupils' independent play and look at the 'personal learning styles' of young people with visual impairment, whose interests and strategies for exploration may differ greatly from those of their sighted peers. Participants looked at video illustrations and discussed the issues in relation to their own work.

Target Audience

Classroom teachers and support staff working with pupils with complex needs; parents and speech & language therapists.


Mary Lee, Royal Blind School and Janis Sugden, Coordinator SSC


Day 1

10.20 am Introduction, Janis Sugden