These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Visual Development and Eye Examinations for Children with Additional Support Needs

Presented on Monday 1 February 2010


Dr Woodhouse is an expert on visual development and eye examinations who explained these complex subjects in easy to understand terminology. She spoke particularly about children with additional support needs: Down's Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy and participants had the opportunity to have the presentation tailored to their needs.

Target audience: Teachers of VI children, classroom teachers and support staff, in particular those supporting VI children and young people with Down's Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy, other professionals and parents.

Presenters: Dr Maggie Woodhouse, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University
Janis Sugden, Co-ordinator, Scottish Sensory Centre


  • Common visual defects: Refractive errors, Accommodation (problems focusing on neartasks),Visual field defects etc - how do we spot these and how can we help?
  • How do eye care professionals measure long and short-sight?
  • Measuring vision - what do the numbers mean?
  • What are the issues around spectacle wear?