These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Teaching Braille to Pupils in Mainstream Classrooms

Presented on Tuesday 13 January 2009


This course covered Braille/print decision making for a child who has experienced sight loss. Carrying out a Learning Media Assessment. Introduction of Braille to a child who has previously learnt print: A consideration of what makes Braille successful for these children and a discussion of some of the practical issues involved such as timetabling/workload.

Target Audience: teachers, additional support assistants and parents who work with children who are visually impaired.

Presenters: Janis Sugden, Co-ordinator, Scottish Sensory Centre/University of Edinburgh
Louise France, QTVI, Chartered Teacher Sensory Support Service, Glasgow
Patricia Fraser, International Sales Manager, Quantum Technology, Northampton
Adrienne Speirits , QTVI, Sensory Support Service, Glasgow


10.20 am Introduction, Janis Sugden