These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Cerebral Visual Impairment: an educational perspective

Presented on Wednesday, 26 January 2011


'Cerebral Visual impairment is a condition where some of the special vision parts of the brain and its connections are damaged.' (

Both presenters have experience in working with these children in educational environments so the emphasis will be on considering the impact CVI may have in these settings. In this course participants will enhance their knowledge of this condition, which can be difficult to understand by:

  • Discussing some of the effects it may have on a child's ability to see;
  • Exploring practical suggestions, which may improve visual function.

Presenters: Mary Dallas, Education and Family Services Manager, RNIB Scotland;
Janis Sugden, Scottish Sensory Centre.


10.20 am Introduction, Mary Dallas