The Early Years: Strategies and Resources for working with very young visually impaired children
Presented on Friday 12 June
Using the Early Support developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment
Lorna HallGeneral overview of development - contents
- Introduction to key areas of development
- Approaches and strategies to support learning
- Advice about toys and materials
- Development of young children with visual impairment
- References and sources
- Further reading.
Vision section - what's in it?
- Record of developing vision
- Developing vision activity cards - visual promotion
- The visual environment and visual materials for development and learning - including description of vision levels (I-IV).
Notes: Included because babies and young chd with very limited vision may not achieve their full potential without the promotion of vision. Such babies need to be helped to develop and achieve their vision a early as possible so that they gain maximum developmental benefit from vision.
Formal assessment of functional vision
The formal assessment of functional vision is a series of scaled measurements
upon which prescription of development and educational guidance can be based
by Dr Patricia Sonksen)
Vision Levels
V1 : No perception of light
V2 : Aware of light and large reflecting objects (of 12 cm in size and more) within 30cm, but not of V3 or V4 objects
V3 : Aware of objects (of 12cm or less) within 30cm, but not V4 items.
V4 : Aware of objects (1.2cm in size or less) on a well contrasted table top within 30cm.
Level 4 is not demonstrable even in fully sighted babies until 5-6 months of age, as before this age such small objects do not catch their interest.
Standard observation of functional vision - examples of lures
V1 - no response to glowing light source in a dark room
V2 - large tinsel ball or mirror or light within at 30 cm
V3 - large (12 cm or less but not V4) dangling ball
V4 - 1.2 cm (chocolate button or raisin) or smaller
on a contrasting background
Notes: This slide and the next show examples of lures that can be used to observe vision levels in a standard manner.
- Remind you that the V figures are the vision levels we have just been discussing.
- Record of developing vision
- Is adapted for structured observation by parents and teachers
Record of developing vision
- Is adapted for structured observation by parents and teachers
- Is not a substitute for formal assessment
- Practical activities are linked to observations.
Developing vision activity cards - visual promotion
- Although vision is impaired it can improve over time
- Vision development can be promoted
- But this is independent of age for child with visual impairment.
The Vision Record and activity cards
- Work in parallel - Record 1 with activity card 1
- The record does not match up with stages of development in journal
- At the same developmental stage one baby’s vision may be much worse or better than another's.
The visual environment and visual materials cards - what are they?
- Vision provides a child with information they need for every aspect of early development
- Need to use child's current vision to best advantage to support every aspect of their development
- The visual environment and visual materials cards help to ensure that developmental activities are carried out in the best visual surroundings for your child, using toys or objects that best suit their current level of vision.
- This first card introduces four categories or levels of functional vision.
The aims of the Getting Stuck? materials
- Explore areas at most risk in children with visual impairment
- Provide some ideas and suggestions about common problem areas
- Highlight where to go for more help with an aspect of development.
Notes: This is a very important section of the journal. I can imagine that some parents may well turn to this section after ignoring the journal for a while as they were happy with their child's progress.
'Sticky area' covered in the Getting Stuck? booklet
- Touch sensitivity
- Sound sensitivity
- Practical everyday activities
- Movement and mobility
- Eating and feeding
- Sleeping
- Language concerns - 'Echolalia' or echoing
- Resistance to adult direction/tantrums
- Resistance to change
- Repetitive behaviours
- Learning, social and communication.
How to use the Getting Stuck? booklet
- Identify the developmental area that is 'stuck'
- Check ideas in relevant area and stage in the journal
- Go back to ideas at an earlier stage - some important underpinning skills may need to be developed further
- Use ideas in Getting Stuck? booklet to help child move on
- If necessary refer to 'Signposts to extra help' for ideas on who can provide further advice.
Challenges for implementation
- To integrate the use of materials into existing practice
- To consider how best to use limited time available
- To find ways to support different families to use the materials in a diverse and multi-ethnic society
- How to share the developmental journal information (using the journal in the Team round the Child)
- To strengthen partnership working.
Notes: How can you see this being used in your area? Can you identify any opportunities and/or threats for using the journal in a multi disciplinary, multi-agency model? Who would be the person to introduce the journal to the family? Which professionals are likely to be most involved in delivery?