These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Access Technology for Children and Young People with Visual Impairment

Tuesday and Wednesday 14 & 15 March 2006

Using keyboard commands

Microsoft Access Database - short cut keys.

Description Shortcut Key
To display a property sheet

Alt + Enter

To quit Microsoft Access, close a dialog box, or close a property sheet

Alt + F4

To toggle between breaking and not breaking on unhandled errors and then step to the next statement

Alt + F5

To toggle between breaking and not breaking in class modules and then continue execution

Alt + F8

To select all visible code in the Module window

Ctrl + A

To halt the execution of code or a macro

Ctrl + Break

To move to the current field in the last record, in Navigation mode

Ctrl + Down Arrow

To display the next procedure

Ctrl + Down Arrow

To move to the last field in the last record, in Navigation mode

Ctrl + End

To open the selected table, query, form, report, macro, or module in Design view

Ctrl + Enter or Alt + D

To toggle between a custom menu bar and a built-in menu bar

Ctrl + F11

To invoke a Builder

Ctrl + F2

To put focus on the Procedure Box

Ctrl + 2 (then press Tab)

To find the next occurrence of selected text

Ctrl + F3

To run code to the current insertion point and halt execution

Ctrl + F8

To turn on Move mode (MOV appears in the lower right corner of the window)

Ctrl + F8

To set the next statement

Ctrl + F9

To display the Debug window

Ctrl + G

To move to the first field in the first record, in Navigation mode

Ctrl + Home

To display quick information

Ctrl + I

To list properties and methods

Ctrl + J

To display the Calls dialog box

Ctrl + L

To move to the current field in the next record

Ctrl + Page Down

To go right one screen

Ctrl + Page Down

To move to the current field in the previous record

Ctrl + Page Up

To go left one screen

Ctrl + Page Up

To select a form or report

Ctrl + R

To return to the last line position in the previously viewed procedure

Ctrl + Shift + F2

To step out of a procedure

Ctrl + Shift + F8

To clear all breakpoints

Ctrl + Shift +F9

To display parameter information

Ctrl + Shift + I

To list constants

Ctrl + Shift + J

To exit the subform and move to the previous field in the main form or previous record

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

To complete the Visual Basic keyword

Ctrl + Spacebar

To cycle through the tab of each object's type

Ctrl + Tab

To exit the subform and move to the next field in the master form or next record

Ctrl + Tab

To move to the current field in the first record, in Navigation mode

Ctrl + Up Arrow

To display the previous procedure

Ctrl + Up Arrow

To cut the current line and copy it to the Clipboard

Ctrl + Y

To enter the selected item in a list

Ctrl + Enter or Tab

To move down one line

Down Arrow

To move to the current field in the next record

Down Arrow

To move to the last object


To move to the last field in the current record, in Navigation mode


To move to the last field in the current record, in Navigation mode


To open the selected report in Print Preview


To open the selected table or query in Datasheet view, or form in Form view


To run the selected macro


To enter the selected item and move the cursor to the next line


To make the list disappear


To turn off Move mode


To display context-sensitive Help about the keyword containing the insertion point


To bring the Database window to the front

F11 or Alt + F1

To rename a selected object


Switch between edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and navigation mode


To display the complete hyperlink address for a selected hyperlink


To display the Object Browser


To find the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed


To switch to Form view from form design or a form module


To move to the record number box;

F5 then type the record number and press Enter

To move to the record number box;

F5 then type the record number and press Enter

To continue execution of code or macro


To run a parameterless subprocedure containing the insertion point, from the Module window


To switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (Design view of tables, macros, and queries and the Advanced Filter/Sort window only)


To switch between the upper and lower panes


To cycle forward through sections


To check spelling


To step into a procedure (single step)


To toggle a breakpoint at the selected line


To move to the first object


To move to the first field in the current record, in Navigation mode


To move to the first field in the current record, in Navigation mode


To move the selected column to the left one column in Move mode

Left Arrow

To move down one window

Page Down

To go down one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the next record

Page Down

To go down one screen

Page Down

To move up one window

Page Up

To go up one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the previous record

Page Up

To go up one screen

Page Up

Press Navigating and opening objects Press Navigate between fields and records Press To move columns

Right Arrow

To move the selected column to the right one column in Move mode

Shift + Ctrl + Tab

To cycle through the tab of each object's type right to left

Shift + Enter

To view a procedure definition, variable, or keyword

Shift + F2

To find the previous occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed

Shift + F3

To reset execution of code or macro

Shift + F5

To cycle back through sections

Shift + F6

To step over a procedure

Shift + F8

To create an instant watch for a selected expression

Shift + F9

To move to the previous field

Shift + Tab

To enter the subform from the following field in the main form

Shift + Tab

To remove indentation from selected lines

Shift + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + M

To move to the previous field

Shift + Tab, or Left Arrow

To move to the next field


To enter the subform from the preceding field in the main form


To indent selected lines

Tab or Ctrl + M

To move to the next field

Tab, Enter, or Right Arrow

To move up one line

Up Arrow

To move to the current field in the previous record

Up Arrow

PowerPoint 97 Shortcut Keys

Managing documents

Description Shortcut Key
Create a new presentation Ctrl+N
Open an existing presentation Ctrl+O
Save a presentation Ctrl+S
Save As F12
Close a presentation Ctrl+F4
Print a presentation Ctrl+P
Switch between presentations Ctrl+F6

Fonts & attributes

Change the font Ctrl+Shift+F
Change the font size Ctrl+Shift+P
Increase the font size Ctrl+Shift+>
Decrease the font size  Ctrl+Shift+<
Display font dialogue box Ctrl+T
Apply/remove bold Ctrl+B
Apply/remove underline Ctrl+U
Apply/remove italics Ctrl+I
Change to upper/lowercase Shift+F3

Text alignment

Centre text  Ctrl+E
Left align text  Ctrl+L
Right align text Ctrl+R
Fully justify text Ctrl+J

Navigating keys

Move one word to right Ctrl+right arrow
Move one word to left Ctrl+left arrow
Move to end of line or last slide End
Move to start of line or first slide Home
Go to start of presentation Ctrl+Home
Go to end of presentation Ctrl+End

Selecting text & objects

Select all Ctrl+A
One character left  Shift+left arrow
One character right  Shift+right arrow
One word left  Ctrl+Shift+left arrow
One word right  Ctrl+Shift+right arrow
An object   Tab or Shift+Tab

Deleting text

Delete one character to right   Delete
Delete one character to left  Backspace
Delete one word to left Ctrl+Backspace
Delete one word to right  Ctrl+Del
Delete to end of line Shift+End, Del
Delete to beginning of line Shift+Home, Del

Copying and moving text

Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste  Ctrl+V

Inserting symbols

® (r)
™  (tm)
©   (c)

Working with slide text

Demote a paragraph Tab
Promote a paragraph  Shift+Tab
Move paragraphs up  Alt+Shift+up arrow
Move paragraphs down Alt+Shift+down arrow
Collapse all  Alt+Shift+1
Expand all Alt+Shift+9
Hide/Show formatting / forward slash on numeric keypad

Slide show controls

Go to next slide N; Enter; Page Down
Go to previous slide P; Backspace; Page Up
Go to first slide Home
Go to Slide No+Enter
Go to last slide End
Black-out screen  B
White-out screen W
Stop/start automatic slide show S
End slide show Esc
Change pointer to a pen Ctrl+P
Change pen to a pointer Ctrl+A
Hide pointer and button (temp) Ctrl+H
Hide pointer & button (always) Ctrl+L
Display shortcut menu Shift+F10
Display list of controls  F1


Insert new slide Ctrl+M
Activate spellchecker F7
Move to next spelling error  Alt+F7
Activate thesaurus   Shift+F7
Find text   Ctrl+F
Replace text Ctrl+H
Undo last command Ctrl+Z
Redo last command  Ctrl+Y
Insert date  Alt+Shift+D
Insert hyperlink Ctrl+K
Duplicate a slide Ctrl+D
Help menu F1
Exit Alt+F4

Outlook 2000 Shortcut Keys


Convert html or rtf to plain text Ctrl+Shift+O
Open a new item Ctrl+N
Move to the beginning of an item  Ctrl+Home
Move to the end of an item Ctrl+End
Close the selected window Ctrl+F4
Display the address book Ctrl+Shift+B
Use advanced find Ctrl+Shift+F
Flag for follow up  Ctrl+Shift+G
Next item (with open item)  Ctrl+full stop
Previous item (with open item)    Ctrl+comma
Switch case  Shift+F3
Switch between the folder list and
the information viewer to the right
Create a folder Ctrl+Shift+E
Save   Ctrl+S
Save and close/Send  Alt+S
Save as  F12
Go to folder  Ctrl+Y
Print  Ctrl+P
Get help F1
Synchronise all folders   F9
Cut  Ctrl+X
Copy   Ctrl+C
Paste  Ctrl+V
Undo   Ctrl+Z
Select all   Ctrl+A
Find text within a window F4
Find next Shift+F4
Find Alt+i


Create a contact Ctrl+Shift+C
Create a meeting request  Ctrl+Shift+Q
Find a contact F11+type name, Enter


Reply to a mail message  Ctrl+R
Reply to a mail message  Ctrl+Shift+R
Create a distribution list  Ctrl+Shift+L
Create a message Ctrl+Shift+M
Check spelling F7
Forward mail   Alt+W
Display mail options  Alt+P


Go to the first day of the current week Alt+Home
Go to the last day of the current week  Alt+End
Go to same day of previous week  Alt+up arrow
Go to the same day in the next week  Alt+down arrow
Go to the first day of the month Alt+Page Up
Go to the last day of the month  Alt+Page down
Go to a specific date  Ctrl+G
Create an appointment  Ctrl+Shift+A
View 1 day  Alt+1
View 2 days through to 9 days Alt+number
Switch to weeks  Alt+hyphen
Switch to months Alt+=
Move between calendar, taskpad
and the folder list 
Go to today Alt+D
Go to the previous day  left arrow
Go to the next day  right arrow
Create a note  Ctrl+Shift+N
View large icons   Alt+R
View small icons   Alt+M
View list   Alt+L
Create a task   Ctrl+Shift+K
Create a task request Ctrl+Shift+U

Excel 97 Shortcut Keys

Fonts and attributes

Change the font Ctrl+Shift+F
Change the font size Ctrl+Shift+P
Apply/remove bold Ctrl+B
Apply/remove underline Ctrl+U
Apply/remove italics Ctrl+I

Managing documents

Create a new workbook  Ctrl+N
Open an existing workbook Ctrl+O
Save a workbook Ctrl+S
Save As F12
Close a document Ctrl+F4
Display the print menu Ctrl+P
Switch to next open workbook Ctrl+F6

Navigating keys

Move to next cell in row Tab
Move to previous cell in row Shift+Tab
Move to beginning of worksheet Ctrl+Home
Move to last active cell Ctrl+End
Up one screen Pg Up
Down one screen Pg Down
Move to next worksheet Ctrl+Pg Down
Move to previous worksheet Ctrl+Pg Up

Editing text

Delete one character to right Delete
Delete one character to left Backspace
Edit active cell F2
Cancel cell entry Esc
Select entire worksheet Ctrl+A
Select entire row Shift+Spacebar
Select entire column Ctrl+Spacebar
Cut Ctrl+X
Paste  Ctrl+V
Hide entire row Ctrl+9
Unhide row Ctrl+Shift+(
Hide entire column Ctrl+0
Unhide column Ctrl+Shift+)
Format Cells command Ctrl+1
Apply general number format Ctrl+Shift+~
Apply currency style Ctrl+Shift+$
Apply percentage format Ctrl+Shift+%
Apply comma style Ctrl+Shift+!
Copy Ctrl+C


Start a formula =
Undo last action Ctrl+Z
Redo last action Ctrl+Y
Wrap text in same cell Alt+Enter
Display cell formulas Ctrl+Left Apostrophe
Apply outline borders  Ctrl+Shift+&
Remove all borders Ctrl+Shift+_
Activate spellchecker F7
Find text  Ctrl+F
Replace text  Ctrl+H
Go to command Ctrl+G
Create a chart  F11
Hide/display all objects Ctrl+7
Edit a cell comment Shift+F2
AutoSum a range Alt+Equal Sign
Insert the date Ctrl+Semi Colon
Insert columns/rows Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign
Insert a new worksheet Shift+F11
Help F1
Exit Alt+F4