Access Technology for Children and Young People with Visual Impairment
Tuesday and Wednesday 14 & 15 March 2006
Using keyboard commands
Microsoft Access Database - short cut keys.
Description | Shortcut Key |
To display a property sheet | Alt + Enter |
To quit Microsoft Access, close a dialog box, or close a property sheet | Alt + F4 |
To toggle between breaking and not breaking on unhandled errors and then step to the next statement | Alt + F5 |
To toggle between breaking and not breaking in class modules and then continue execution | Alt + F8 |
To select all visible code in the Module window | Ctrl + A |
To halt the execution of code or a macro | Ctrl + Break |
To move to the current field in the last record, in Navigation mode | Ctrl + Down Arrow |
To display the next procedure | Ctrl + Down Arrow |
To move to the last field in the last record, in Navigation mode | Ctrl + End |
To open the selected table, query, form, report, macro, or module in Design view | Ctrl + Enter or Alt + D |
To toggle between a custom menu bar and a built-in menu bar | Ctrl + F11 |
To invoke a Builder | Ctrl + F2 |
To put focus on the Procedure Box | Ctrl + 2 (then press Tab) |
To find the next occurrence of selected text | Ctrl + F3 |
To run code to the current insertion point and halt execution | Ctrl + F8 |
To turn on Move mode (MOV appears in the lower right corner of the window) | Ctrl + F8 |
To set the next statement | Ctrl + F9 |
To display the Debug window | Ctrl + G |
To move to the first field in the first record, in Navigation mode | Ctrl + Home |
To display quick information | Ctrl + I |
To list properties and methods | Ctrl + J |
To display the Calls dialog box | Ctrl + L |
To move to the current field in the next record | Ctrl + Page Down |
To go right one screen | Ctrl + Page Down |
To move to the current field in the previous record | Ctrl + Page Up |
To go left one screen | Ctrl + Page Up |
To select a form or report | Ctrl + R |
To return to the last line position in the previously viewed procedure | Ctrl + Shift + F2 |
To step out of a procedure | Ctrl + Shift + F8 |
To clear all breakpoints | Ctrl + Shift +F9 |
To display parameter information | Ctrl + Shift + I |
To list constants | Ctrl + Shift + J |
To exit the subform and move to the previous field in the main form or previous record | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
To complete the Visual Basic keyword | Ctrl + Spacebar |
To cycle through the tab of each object's type | Ctrl + Tab |
To exit the subform and move to the next field in the master form or next record | Ctrl + Tab |
To move to the current field in the first record, in Navigation mode | Ctrl + Up Arrow |
To display the previous procedure | Ctrl + Up Arrow |
To cut the current line and copy it to the Clipboard | Ctrl + Y |
To enter the selected item in a list | Ctrl + Enter or Tab |
To move down one line | Down Arrow |
To move to the current field in the next record | Down Arrow |
To move to the last object | End |
To move to the last field in the current record, in Navigation mode | End |
To move to the last field in the current record, in Navigation mode | End |
To open the selected report in Print Preview | Enter |
To open the selected table or query in Datasheet view, or form in Form view | Enter |
To run the selected macro | Enter |
To enter the selected item and move the cursor to the next line | Enter |
To make the list disappear | Esc |
To turn off Move mode | Esc |
To display context-sensitive Help about the keyword containing the insertion point | F1 |
To bring the Database window to the front | F11 or Alt + F1 |
To rename a selected object | F2 |
Switch between edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and navigation mode | F2 |
To display the complete hyperlink address for a selected hyperlink | F2 |
To display the Object Browser | F2 |
To find the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed | F3 |
To switch to Form view from form design or a form module | F5 |
To move to the record number box; | F5 then type the record number and press Enter |
To move to the record number box; | F5 then type the record number and press Enter |
To continue execution of code or macro | F5 |
To run a parameterless subprocedure containing the insertion point, from the Module window | F5 |
To switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (Design view of tables, macros, and queries and the Advanced Filter/Sort window only) | F6 |
To switch between the upper and lower panes | F6 |
To cycle forward through sections | F6 |
To check spelling | F7 |
To step into a procedure (single step) | F8 |
To toggle a breakpoint at the selected line | F9 |
To move to the first object | Home |
To move to the first field in the current record, in Navigation mode | Home |
To move to the first field in the current record, in Navigation mode | Home |
To move the selected column to the left one column in Move mode | Left Arrow |
To move down one window | Page Down |
To go down one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the next record | Page Down |
To go down one screen | Page Down |
To move up one window | Page Up |
To go up one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the previous record | Page Up |
To go up one screen | Page Up |
Press Navigating and opening objects Press Navigate between fields and records Press To move columns | Right Arrow |
To move the selected column to the right one column in Move mode | Shift + Ctrl + Tab |
To cycle through the tab of each object's type right to left | Shift + Enter |
To view a procedure definition, variable, or keyword | Shift + F2 |
To find the previous occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed | Shift + F3 |
To reset execution of code or macro | Shift + F5 |
To cycle back through sections | Shift + F6 |
To step over a procedure | Shift + F8 |
To create an instant watch for a selected expression | Shift + F9 |
To move to the previous field | Shift + Tab |
To enter the subform from the following field in the main form | Shift + Tab |
To remove indentation from selected lines | Shift + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + M |
To move to the previous field | Shift + Tab, or Left Arrow |
To move to the next field | Tab |
To enter the subform from the preceding field in the main form | Tab |
To indent selected lines | Tab or Ctrl + M |
To move to the next field | Tab, Enter, or Right Arrow |
To move up one line | Up Arrow |
To move to the current field in the previous record | Up Arrow |
Managing documents
Description | Shortcut Key |
Create a new presentation | Ctrl+N |
Open an existing presentation | Ctrl+O |
Save a presentation | Ctrl+S |
Save As | F12 |
Close a presentation | Ctrl+F4 |
Print a presentation | Ctrl+P |
Switch between presentations | Ctrl+F6 |
Fonts & attributes
Change the font | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Change the font size | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Increase the font size | Ctrl+Shift+> |
Decrease the font size | Ctrl+Shift+< |
Display font dialogue box | Ctrl+T |
Apply/remove bold | Ctrl+B |
Apply/remove underline | Ctrl+U |
Apply/remove italics | Ctrl+I |
Change to upper/lowercase | Shift+F3 |
Text alignment
Centre text | Ctrl+E |
Left align text | Ctrl+L |
Right align text | Ctrl+R |
Fully justify text | Ctrl+J |
Navigating keys
Move one word to right | Ctrl+right arrow |
Move one word to left | Ctrl+left arrow |
Move to end of line or last slide | End |
Move to start of line or first slide | Home |
Go to start of presentation | Ctrl+Home |
Go to end of presentation | Ctrl+End |
Selecting text & objects
Select all | Ctrl+A |
One character left | Shift+left arrow |
One character right | Shift+right arrow |
One word left | Ctrl+Shift+left arrow |
One word right | Ctrl+Shift+right arrow |
An object | Tab or Shift+Tab |
Deleting text
Delete one character to right | Delete |
Delete one character to left | Backspace |
Delete one word to left | Ctrl+Backspace |
Delete one word to right | Ctrl+Del |
Delete to end of line | Shift+End, Del |
Delete to beginning of line | Shift+Home, Del |
Copying and moving text
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Inserting symbols
® | (r) |
™ | (tm) |
© | (c) |
Working with slide text
Demote a paragraph | Tab |
Promote a paragraph | Shift+Tab |
Move paragraphs up | Alt+Shift+up arrow |
Move paragraphs down | Alt+Shift+down arrow |
Collapse all | Alt+Shift+1 |
Expand all | Alt+Shift+9 |
Hide/Show formatting | / forward slash on numeric keypad |
Slide show controls
Go to next slide | N; Enter; Page Down |
Go to previous slide | P; Backspace; Page Up |
Go to first slide | Home |
Go to Slide | No+Enter |
Go to last slide | End |
Black-out screen | B |
White-out screen | W |
Stop/start automatic slide show | S |
End slide show | Esc |
Change pointer to a pen | Ctrl+P |
Change pen to a pointer | Ctrl+A |
Hide pointer and button (temp) | Ctrl+H |
Hide pointer & button (always) | Ctrl+L |
Display shortcut menu | Shift+F10 |
Display list of controls | F1 |
Insert new slide | Ctrl+M |
Activate spellchecker | F7 |
Move to next spelling error | Alt+F7 |
Activate thesaurus | Shift+F7 |
Find text | Ctrl+F |
Replace text | Ctrl+H |
Undo last command | Ctrl+Z |
Redo last command | Ctrl+Y |
Insert date | Alt+Shift+D |
Insert hyperlink | Ctrl+K |
Duplicate a slide | Ctrl+D |
Help menu | F1 |
Exit | Alt+F4 |
Convert html or rtf to plain text | Ctrl+Shift+O |
Open a new item | Ctrl+N |
Move to the beginning of an item | Ctrl+Home |
Move to the end of an item | Ctrl+End |
Close the selected window | Ctrl+F4 |
Display the address book | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Use advanced find | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Flag for follow up | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Next item (with open item) | Ctrl+full stop |
Previous item (with open item) | Ctrl+comma |
Switch case | Shift+F3 |
Switch between the folder list and the information viewer to the right |
F6 |
Create a folder | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Save | Ctrl+S |
Save and close/Send | Alt+S |
Save as | F12 |
Go to folder | Ctrl+Y |
Ctrl+P | |
Get help | F1 |
Synchronise all folders | F9 |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Select all | Ctrl+A |
Find text within a window | F4 |
Find next | Shift+F4 |
Find | Alt+i |
Create a contact | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Create a meeting request | Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Find a contact | F11+type name, Enter |
Reply to a mail message | Ctrl+R |
Reply to a mail message | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Create a distribution list | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Create a message | Ctrl+Shift+M |
Check spelling | F7 |
Forward mail | Alt+W |
Display mail options | Alt+P |
Go to the first day of the current week | Alt+Home |
Go to the last day of the current week | Alt+End |
Go to same day of previous week | Alt+up arrow |
Go to the same day in the next week | Alt+down arrow |
Go to the first day of the month | Alt+Page Up |
Go to the last day of the month | Alt+Page down |
Go to a specific date | Ctrl+G |
Create an appointment | Ctrl+Shift+A |
View 1 day | Alt+1 |
View 2 days through to 9 days | Alt+number |
Switch to weeks | Alt+hyphen |
Switch to months | Alt+= |
Move between calendar, taskpad and the folder list |
F6 |
Go to today | Alt+D |
Go to the previous day | left arrow |
Go to the next day | right arrow |
Create a note | Ctrl+Shift+N |
View large icons | Alt+R |
View small icons | Alt+M |
View list | Alt+L |
Create a task | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Create a task request | Ctrl+Shift+U |
Fonts and attributes
Change the font | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Change the font size | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Apply/remove bold | Ctrl+B |
Apply/remove underline | Ctrl+U |
Apply/remove italics | Ctrl+I |
Managing documents
Create a new workbook | Ctrl+N |
Open an existing workbook | Ctrl+O |
Save a workbook | Ctrl+S |
Save As | F12 |
Close a document | Ctrl+F4 |
Display the print menu | Ctrl+P |
Switch to next open workbook | Ctrl+F6 |
Navigating keys
Move to next cell in row | Tab |
Move to previous cell in row | Shift+Tab |
Move to beginning of worksheet | Ctrl+Home |
Move to last active cell | Ctrl+End |
Up one screen | Pg Up |
Down one screen | Pg Down |
Move to next worksheet | Ctrl+Pg Down |
Move to previous worksheet | Ctrl+Pg Up |
Editing text
Delete one character to right | Delete |
Delete one character to left | Backspace |
Edit active cell | F2 |
Cancel cell entry | Esc |
Select entire worksheet | Ctrl+A |
Select entire row | Shift+Spacebar |
Select entire column | Ctrl+Spacebar |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Hide entire row | Ctrl+9 |
Unhide row | Ctrl+Shift+( |
Hide entire column | Ctrl+0 |
Unhide column | Ctrl+Shift+) |
Format Cells command | Ctrl+1 |
Apply general number format | Ctrl+Shift+~ |
Apply currency style | Ctrl+Shift+$ |
Apply percentage format | Ctrl+Shift+% |
Apply comma style | Ctrl+Shift+! |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Start a formula | = |
Undo last action | Ctrl+Z |
Redo last action | Ctrl+Y |
Wrap text in same cell | Alt+Enter |
Display cell formulas | Ctrl+Left Apostrophe |
Apply outline borders | Ctrl+Shift+& |
Remove all borders | Ctrl+Shift+_ |
Activate spellchecker | F7 |
Find text | Ctrl+F |
Replace text | Ctrl+H |
Go to command | Ctrl+G |
Create a chart | F11 |
Hide/display all objects | Ctrl+7 |
Edit a cell comment | Shift+F2 |
AutoSum a range | Alt+Equal Sign |
Insert the date | Ctrl+Semi Colon |
Insert columns/rows | Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign |
Insert a new worksheet | Shift+F11 |
Help | F1 |
Exit | Alt+F4 |