Prematurity and Vision
Friday 3 March 2006
Course evaluation
Number of Participants: 48; Number of Respondents: 48
Overall Assessment:
How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Enhancement to your expertise |
1.48 |
Content and supplementary material |
1.53 |
How will you use what you have learned today?
Good background for empathising with the parent/child on what experiences
they have had previously.
A lot of my work is with such babies and young children. I will
use the knowledge gained and pass on.
Medical research/findings/info we received and linking this in with functional
vision. Common characteristics of children with Retinopathy of
Prematurity (ROP) and why this is.
To better understand the various impact of sight loss, and explain this
to others.
Realisation of differences between prematurity and other brain damage:
better assessment of visual function and better advice to teachers.
Medical information in particular has filled many of the gaps in my understanding
of ROP.
In my work with pre-school children and their families.
Will relate material to children I support.
Already aware of ROP and Periventricular Leucomalacia (PVL), but good
to see other members of our VI team from our region here, so we will
get together and look at where we need to change our way of working.
Take it back (and learn from) to the mainstream school I work in.
To improve the way I carry out assessments and pass information to colleagues.
To inform other members of staff at school. To aid my own studies.
To feedback to other community paediatricians in my region and as a step
on the way to setting up a service for low vision in my region.
Helps to hear what other techniques professionals working with ROP children
use and enable myself to implement other suggestions.
Supporting growing number of infants being referred to our VI service
(Network Support).
I will have a greater awareness of the range and complexity of problems
these children have.
The course has allowed me to understand further the functional problems
children with ROP can have and I can now modify my assessment of this
child within the Orthoptic Department.
Team approach required very much in gaining information re visual ability.
Implications for communication and assessing comprehension.
Cascade to two teachers new to my Service.
To inform staff and develop services.
To support parents who use our service and to develop more sensitive
Enhance practice - share information with colleagues through discussion.
I work with adults with learning disabilities carrying out visual assessments
so the functional proforma will support me.
To modify/enhance practice.
Use it in my practice.
Better understanding of how medical conditions impact on everyday lives
of children.
Now have a better appreciation of other professionals' role - may impact
care pathways and sharing of information - referral of parents to appropriate
To enhance my daily work with VI pupils. Hopefully it will be useful
when I undertake a VI modular course.
Giving advice to parents and school staff.
I'll share what I have learned with colleagues and share information
on handouts.
To improve own practice - casework, multi-agency working, providing in-service.
Staff developments. Counselling parents. Assessing VI pupils.
Within teaching environment. Share with other members of staff
- where appropriate relate to pupils and curriculum.
Will use functional visual assessment information and proforma in clinical
work. Also great to hear about new neonatal developments for treatments
and assessment for ROP and prevention of PVL.
In practice ie in assessments and also in teaching other professionals.
Information gained today will be extremely useful to me in observing
and assessing VI children in school and nursery.
I will use knowledge to use the best strategies for supporting and teaching
any pupils with Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) who come to our unit.
I hope to pass information learned to colleagues and also relate to certain
pupils with conditions highlighted today.
The knowledge and information gain has been invaluable.
Comparison of regional practice. Hints on running a course: handouts
good but some graphics undecipherable without visual aid!
How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Clarity of presentation |
1.58 |
Pacing of course/event |
2.13 |
What was best about the course/event?
Learning about specific effects of ROP in visual impairment of
child and their functional vision.
High level of expertise in speakers. Great to hear speakers learning
from each other.
Speakers very interesting. Opportunity also to meet other colleagues
in the field.
Different perspectives on prematurity and vision.
The medical info. Seeing Dr Fleck and other doctors who were just
names on letters.
Presentation giving specific information about causes of ROP.
Different professionals' perspectives.
A lot of very useful information from professionals we don't always have
access to.
Gopi Menon was very interesting. Actually all of them were.
Wide range of specialists, covering whole spectrum of supporting a child
with ROP/CVI.
Having a wide variety of speakers from different backgrounds giving us
a clear understanding of their own professional roles.
All of it was very informative.
Information about medical roles, reasons behind visual impairment. The
range of people involved and opportunities to work together.
Information about ROP and Prematurity and consequences.
The multidisciplinary nature of it - good to hear different aspects of
the same situation.
I work with children within a hospital department - found the input from
teachers with visually impaired children very useful.
Varied content and aspects of ROP. Short focussed talks. Medical
focus was good for me (but may have had too much jargon for others).
Provision of handouts and availability of presentations on the website
allow you to really listen to the speakers.
Particularly enjoyed Linda Bain - Getting Around. As an Orthoptist
- this is something not encountered within confines of job: better insight
into this aspect.
It was good to have information on Prematurity and Vision from the different
professional backgrounds (although there was quite a bit of overlap).
Varied - covered lots of areas, wide perspectives.
Medical information was made accessible.
The holistic approach - variety of speakers very good. Extremely
knowledgeable speakers but presentation were aimed at a good level -
not too technical!
Good balance of different professionals. Really enjoyed Gopi Menon. Some
really excellent presentations.
Morning session - medical/optical information.
The expertise of presenters. Functional Assessment really useful
as directly links to the work we do.
Functional info.
Excellent speakers with presentations complementing each other to provide
a comprehensive view of the topic.
Lyn Cresswell - Functional Vision Assessment, and Gopi Menon, but enjoyed
all of it, very good.
Input from Linda Bain/Mairi Graham.
Range of backgrounds of the presenters enabled a concise overview.
Very informative presentations from a wide range of perspectives.
The whole day was excellent.
Clear explanations given. Some information helps me to understand
conditions and I'll be in a better position to support children and their
Latest medical info.
Presentations from Gopi Menon and Jeff Mason pitched and paced correctly
- not assuming previous knowledge - giving very clear explanations of
technical terms.
General info on brain good. Jeff Mason very good.
All the speakers were extremely interesting and presented their information
clearly. The whole day was worthwhile. I found Grace Stuart's
talk made me feel quite emotional - in a positive sense.
Hearing from a range of professionals and their views about visual impairment
- assessment and impact on function.
Excellent day. Very informative - well balanced in terms of different
A variety of knowledgeable presenters who are willing to discuss and
listen to the things we need to know more about as teachers.
I selected this course from a personal point of view as well as a professional
one, as the parent of a prematurely born child and a VI teacher. I
found the whole day extremely interesting.
Lots of new information for me.
Very interesting material - but too much in too little time.
What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?
Although all speakers were interesting the programme was crowded and
some had to cut down their presentations.
Great amount packed in, but pm did seem a tad rushed!
A long day. Afternoon was rushed.; Participants seemed tired
just with sheer amount of input and sitting that had gone on before.
Too many speakers without a break . . . hard to concentrate
for that long . . . no matter how interesting.
Pace of afternoon. Sitting in same place. Presentation by
parent/person affected by ROP. Time management.
Quite a lot of speakers! (although all very interesting).
Time keeping.
More interaction with 'audience'. Remember overload of the senses! A
shorter day especially on a Friday.
It was almost like overload - really interesting but so much in such
a short time - and breaking into smaller groups would have given more
chance of interaction with other professionals.
I personally would have benefited from short break in both morning and
afternoon. Lot of info presented and was aware my attention not
at optimum.
Pacing of morning excellent despite no set times on programme for speakers.
Almost too many speakers in afternoon - each having very relevant information
to pass on - no criticism of the speakers - all very good and clear -
but too long an afternoon.
More time for discussion/questions. I would like to have networked
a bit more.
Although all the speakers were very interesting there were perhaps too
many for the time allotted which left rushed discussions times.
We seemed to run out of time at the end - perhaps the programme was a
little too packed in the afternoon.
Probably too much content for the time allowed.
I felt there could have been more time for questions or possibly a coffee
break to allow the audience to network and/or speak to the speakers.
Difficult to hear some of the presenters. It can be a bit boring
if the presenter is not looking at the audience. Powerpoint presentations
are great but if the speaker reads from it they are usually side on to
the audience with no eye contact. Jeff Mason was very easy to understand
and follow. His 'talk' was pitched at the right level for understanding.
A shorter lunch with a break to move around for a few minutes and get
a drink of water.
Timing - content didn't 'flow' too well, although each section was informative
I felt that these were not terribly co-ordinated - also some content
exceptionally repetitive.
Build in some breaks.
Perhaps some more time for question/discussion.
More time for discussion.
Slight information overload - short break mid session may be beneficial.
Nothing - maybe a two-day course.
A lot of information in 1 day!
More practical info on how to deal with VI children.
More variety in presentations - very little opportunity for discussion/workshops. Occasionally
difficult to hear from back row - depending on presenters (third of audience
cut off because presenters had back to them). Check seating arrangements,
use of mikes etc.
Some presenters did not face audience.
Use of videos for mobility training, functional visual assessment.
A rich meal - a surprising lot to be said in a relatively short time.
Lyn's presentations very interesting, personally. Unfortunately
difficult to hear all she said as she addressed audience to her left
and repeatedly covered her mouth with right hand.
Any other comments regarding the course?
High quality of speakers appreciated. I only wish about 60 staff
in my authority could have been with me! Please repeat it!
Must offer this same course again. Participants hearing will spread
the work and other VI folk will be disappointed to miss this and would
probably welcome the opportunity to go to another course.
Very valuable and interesting.
Exceptionally good conference!
Very valuable.
A lot of information in a short period of time. Quite a bit of
overlapping but I suppose this was inevitable. More info on strategies
from teachers would have been useful.
It was too much and too long - the speakers at the end had a difficult
time as we were all flagging and tired by then. The mobility lady
was too long.
Lunch was lovely. Good vegetarian soup, wide choice of sandwiches,
fruit and biscuits, as well as drinks.
Good for networking. Very reassuring that the methods our team
in our region and the information we are using is in line with up-to-date
thinking. Morning and early afternoon more focussed on prematurity
- mid to late afternoon much more 'general' VI. Thank you for a
good day.
Well organised.
Possible list of email addresses to contact other people on course??
Email addresses for speakers would be useful.
All excellent and interesting speakers.
Better directions from Waverley Station would have helped - the map only
shows the major roads and the inset is only useful once you've actually
found the place. There are very few sign posts for Moray House.
By 3.30 pm it felt it had been a very long day with intensive listening.
Too much to take in, in one day.
Excellent - thanks!
Lovely lunch - thank you.
Afternoon a bit long, by end of day felt as though had been too much.
For the most part enjoyable and informative.
A great day. Lots to take on board. Reassuring for the support
we give. Learnt lots that can be transferred to help understand
the individual needs of the Multiple Disability and Visual Impairment
(MDVI) people we provide services for. Thank you. Inspiring.
Very enjoyable day. Excellent value!
Perhaps more of a breakdown of medical terminology for the uninitiated!
Plus follow-up reading materials/books would be useful.
Need more time for sharing of ideas.
Room slightly too warm.
Very useful programme - perhaps too much in afternoon.
Too much packed in. Too many speakers.
Too much for one day - but more of the same please over a longer period.
More 'comfort' breaks. Afternoon too long.
Good mix of professionals - respects among disciplines evident.
Well done SSC! Would have been nice to have a VI and IT lecture
re new technology for schools and home.
Excellent presentations. First class course - I wish I had attended
one like this 5 years ago.
Incidentally, I am excited to get home and discuss today's events with
my premature daughter who despite her related cerebral palsy will qualify
as a doctor from Glasgow University this year.
Capacity to concentrate diminished the longer we sat. More to break
up presentations and coffee break. Better use of PA system.
Location and Venue
Convenient location for this course: No Response 6; Yes 40; No 2
Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Convenience of venue |
1.51 |
Quality of venue |
1.46 |
What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?
Sessions on play and development.
Could have spent all day listening to Linda Bain - mobility for young
Teaching of Braille - infants - older beginners.
How to improve trans/multi disciplinary work: models for services? A
'hands-on' sensory resources day?
Multisensory approaches to learning. Assessment materials for MDVI.
Other condition specific or groups topics eg optic nerve problems, retinal
problems, nystagmus.
Today's topic of prematurity and vision touched on CVI and its impact
on learning and function in everyday life. A topic of CVI would
be very interesting and will help raise awareness and understanding of
the problems these children have.
Participative course on functional vision assessment.
Other health related topics and assessment.
1 Assessment (for all ages and stages). 2 More 'medical
talks' on visual systems and development of.
More courses related to pupils with MDVI on a similar
multidisciplinary theme to this one.
MDVI - strategies for home and school. MDVI - update on technology
Approaching sex education with VI children who have learning difficulties.
Measurement of vision.
Any related to MDVI teaching. I feel it would be particularly beneficial
from a multidisciplinary point of view.
This course was extremely valuable. More courses where medics are
invited to speak please.
Outcomes Assessment
If you are a teacher, how would you rate this course in relation to the following "Chartered Teacher Standard" components: very useful = 1; not useful= 5
your professional values and personal commitment |
1.65 |
your professional knowledge and understanding |
1.77 |
your professional and personal attributes |
1.53 |