These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Music – Performing, Creating and Listening

Presented on Wednesday 5 March 2008


This one day course looked at performing, creating and listening in music, with children and young people who have a visual impairment and those with a visual impairment and additional support needs.

Performing – an introduction to performance techniques in solo and group work.
Creating – an introduction to creating music using improvisation, ICT and topic related stimulus.
Listening - developing aural awareness to aid performing techniques in a practical manner.

Participants had the opportunity to look at video illustrations and discuss the issues in relation to their own work, as well take part in a variety of practical activities to enhance their knowledge and understanding of breaking down the barriers to successful learning within music.

Presenter: Presenter: Karl Macrae, RBS


10.00 am Practical music making sessions with Karl and Louisa
- Super Nova, Braille note, Qubasis, Jaws, Bookport - use for National Courses

11.20 am Intermediate 1 and 2 - information session on class to be observed

11.40 am intermediate class observations

1.00 pm Feedback on Intermediate class. Question time. Exam adaptations.

1.40 pm Access 1 and 2 - information session on classes to be observed

1.50 pm ASN Class - 6A

2.30 pm Primary Class Lesson - Primary H

3.10 pm Evaluation and discussion on afternoon classes. Final questions. Adapted materials for pupils and Access discussion.