Down's syndrome: vision, visual problems and visual assessment
Presented on 15 May 2008
J. Margaret Woodhouse, Cardiff University
Mohammad Al-Bagdady, Nathan
Bromham, Mary Cregg,
Ping Ji, Ffion John, Julie-Anne Little, Julie McClelland,
Val Pakeman, Kathryn J. Saunders, Ruth Stewart
Additional eye problems in Down's syndrome
- Refractive errors (60%)
- Poor accommodation (80%)
- Squint (25%)
- Nystagmus (15%)
- Blepharitis (up to 50%)
- Cataracts (8-13%)
- Keratoconus (15%)
- Reduced visual acuity and contrast sensitivity (100%)
Responds to 'lid hygiene' measures
- Baby shampoo on a clean finger
- Scrub the lid edges every night
Cataract extraction
Cataract removed and replaced with plastic implant.