These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Adapting curriculum materials for VI pupils in mainstream classes: useful strategies and techniques that you can use

Presented on Wednesday 12 May 2010


Station 1 Reading texts and pictures

Timed reading - Work Card A.

Take turns to do this task.
One person puts on simulation glasses and reads the text given by their partner.

  • time the reading of the first paragraph while wearing the simulation

glasses.    ____________

  • Time the reading of second paragraph without glasses. __________

B. Picture Worksheet

You may not need to use the simulation glasses for this task!

Follow the instructions on the sheet.

1. How well were you able to answer question 13?

Comment on the suitability of this material for any pupil.


Use the lined sheets - Standard and Partially Sighted Stationery (PSS).
Put on glasses.

Using a pencil and
a) standard paper
b) PSS paper

Using a felt tipped pen and
a) standard paper
b) PSS paper

Guide: Your partner is to write on the 2 types of paper using both a felt-tipped pen and pencil.  Ask your partner to write down 5-10 words to your dictation.

  • Was the pencil easy to use?  How much easier was the pen?

2. Did you manage the light lines?  What would be the advantages/disadvantages
of the bold lines?

Station 2

Near Vision Assessment

Do not wear glasses for this task.


  • Hold the near vision sheet approximately 20 cm away from your partner.
  • Your partner should try to read the text "North Lanarkshire Council". Reading the different sizes of print. (A copy is provided in this booklet for your information. You can, however, use it for this exercise).

    Change places and repeat.

    Which size of print could you read with difficulty N ______
    with some fluency N______

    Texts have an approximate equivalent size as follows:
    A : Headlines (N72)*
    B : Small Headlines (N24)
    C : Junior level text (N14-12)
    D : Newspapers, paperbacks (N10-8)

    * See McClure Test (for assessing near vision) for examples of print sizes – example on the table).

  • Texts


With glasses on, try to read the various paragraphs.
Pay attention to the following questions:-

a) preferred size and type of print.
b) is the blacker print easier/harder to read?
c) how close to the paper do you need to go?
d) does the spacing between the lines make any difference?

As you proceed, write down the type of difficulties that you keep coming across and any solutions that you have noticed.

Station 3

A. Counting money

You have 2 piles of money.
One pile is on a white background, while the other is on the brown mat.
Count the money in each pile, putting the coins in groups on the table/card.

1) What difficulties did you have in locating, lifting and counting the coins?
2) Did the colour of the card or table top make any difference?

B. Measuring

You have 2 rulers - a wooden and a coloured one.
Take the "Measuring" workcard which is divided into 3 sections. Each section contains 3 lines.
Measure the lines with first the wooden and then the coloured rulers.

1) What difference did the background colour to each section make?
2) Which ruler was easier to use ... why?