Teaching Mathematics and Science to Pupils/Students with Visual Impairment
Presented on Thursday 26 May 2011
Course evaluation summary
Number of Participants: 12
Number of Respondents: 10
Overall Assessment:
How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Enhancement to your expertise |
1.11 |
Content and supplementary material |
1.22 |
How will you use what you have learned today?
I have learned a lot more about what is available, eg equipment. I have come away with new ideas that I will try out. I will incorporate this into the classes I teach and support in.
Advice passed on to colleagues and mainstream teachers.
Pass on useful tips to mainstream teachers and other VI team staff. Use strategies in class with pupils.
In class supporting a child. To pass information on to mainstream class teacher.
I will use practical ideas in Science to advise mainstream teachers and in Maths re resources and adaptations to materials and teaching.
On return to work I will have a team meeting to share knowledge. Also, if allowed INSET time in September, possibly given on INSET day, on sharing good practice.
I hope to implement ideas with P6 pupils using Braille.
Creating clearer diagrams. Perhaps look into raised diagrams.
I will try to develop some concrete material for use in Inter 1 Maths. Will also ask school to purchase some items (eg talking scientific calculator).
Try out practical solutions/advice for P7 pupils in readiness for S1 transition. Involve Class Assistant for adaptations for next session. Purchase resources for both Primary and Secondary School. Give report to Support for Learning (SfL) colleagues.
How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Clarity of presentation |
1.2 |
Pacing of course/event |
1.3 |
What was best about the course/event?
It was very practical, there was lots of information available to take away, and there were lots of opportunities to ask questions.
Hands-on experiences of using equipment and meeting other professionals to share ideas. (2)
How to create various tactile diagrams ie using Zychem machine to make graph paper etc. How to plot co-ordinates.
VI awareness-raising activities at start.
I enjoyed the hands-on approach to experience what a VI child/student would receive. Staff were great, very open, welcoming and made me feel at ease.
Practical ideas. Trying out resources.
Demonstrating what your pupils experience seeing how equipment has been adapted.
Meeting others and sharing ideas. Enjoyed exercises which simulated visual impairments.
Seeing equipment and being talked through its uses/and applications. Being given list of suppliers etc for further information.
What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?
More time to cover.
I would have liked to have been able to observe staff working with VI students.
Maybe more examples of various topics in the secondary Maths curriculum.
Any other comments regarding the course?
It was great to see the equipment used in classes. I enjoyed the starter activities.
We can't do our jobs without these training days.
Very enjoyable and plenty of useful working practices to take back.
Gave me lots of simple ideas for school in science, eg; using trays for equipment, marking measuring jugs etc.
Thank you ever so much - another excellent, informative and vital course - VI education in Scotland and beyond would be 'all at sea' without the SSC and SSC/Royal Blind School/Mainstream LA partnership working.
Thoroughly enjoyed it, and would definitely recommend the course. I will check website for more courses in the future.
Great to meet other VI teachers and share experiences.
Very informative. A lot packed into the day. Well presented. Thanks!
Very good opportunity to establish new contacts with Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) in mainstream and specialist units.
Location and Venue
Excellent = 1; Poor = 5
Convenience of venue |
1.89 |
Quality of venue |
1.22 |
Have you made use of the website? If yes:
Frequency |
Helpful |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Less Often |
No Response |
Yes |
No |
No Response |
3 |
2 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Suggestions/Changes: more video.
How did you hear about this course?
SSC Courses Brochure. (5)
Course Leaflet Mailshot. (1)
Colleague. (2)
SSC Website. (1)
No response. (1)
What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?
Supporting families of early years pupils with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)/other visual impairments.
Outreach to class teachers in their schools.
Outcomes Assessment
Chartered Teacher Standard components:
Very useful = 1; not useful = 5
your professional values and personal commitment |
1.17 |
your professional knowledge and understanding |
1.17 |
your professional and personal attributes |
1.17 |