These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

VI Specialist Technology: Using technology to access the curriculum

Presented on Friday 21 November 2008

Scanning a picture

1. Turn on scanner - make sure it is connected to laptop.

2. Place document onto the scanner screen - make sure it is placed accurately.

3. Select 'HP Solution Centre'.

4. When dialogue box appears select 'Scan picture'.

5. Next dialogue box asks where you wish scan to go - select 'HP Photosmart Premier'.

6. Next dialogue box allows you to see scanned document. You will be asked if you wish to accept the scan, it is at this point that you can select the whole document or part of the document. Now choose the '+' sign on the left of the scanned picture. This maximises your selection, now you can crop your selection. Also this allows you to see that your selection is horizontally and vertically aligned  After you have made your selection select 'Accept'. 

7. New dialogue box appears asking if you wish to scan more documents. If you wish to scan more pages select 'YES'. At this point you can scan other parts of the original scan or you can elect to scan a new page.

8. When you have finished scanning all documents – choose 'NO' from dialogue box.

9. Then 'HP Photo Premier' will load and the scanned pictures should appear. At this point you can edit each picture individually – highlight picture then choose 'EDIT'. At this point other options are available – choose your option. Then save your changes. Close down HP Photo Premier and HP Scan Centre.

10. Open Microsoft Word – a new word document will appear.

11. Select Insert menu – choose 'PICTURE' from the drop down menu. Another drop down menu will appear select 'FROM FILE'.

12. Go to Microsoft Word select paste from Toolbars or from Edit menu. A new dialogue box will appear 'INSERT PICTURE'. Choose 'MY DOCUMENTS' from list on left-hand side of dialogue box. A new dialogue box will appear select 'MY SCANS' from centre of dialogue box. The scans may appear as list or a file icon with a year and month as a name. Either select file icon or scan from list the select 'INSERT' from bottom right of dialogue box.

13. Picture will be inserted onto the new document in Microsoft Word at insertion point. Double click on picture a dialogue box appears – Format Picture. Select – Layout from the top, and then select Square. This changes layout of picture and then allows you to move picture around document like a text box.

14. Save document.


Scanning Text

As many of you will have experienced, OCR software sounds great, and occasionally is, but the SCANNING takes for ever. Presented with a novel or text book, even with my whizzy high speed scanner, I know I have at least an afternoon and frequently a day's scanning ahead - time essentially wasted.

However, I now use a digital camera for text. It's no good for graphics, I still need the scanner to get them at high quality, but for text it is brilliant.

Many top end digital cameras, (and possibly cheap ones, I'm not sure) can be controlled from the computer via a USB lead.

I have a copy stand and a Canon G9 compact high resolution camera (plus AC adapter, but not essential).

I see the image of the book on screen, click the mouse, turn the page, click, turn the page, click, etc as fast as I like. Images are stored with sequential numbering by the camera software, and can be opened en block by my OCR software.

Even A-level text books, with lots of small print per double page are recognised perfectly by my OCR software, as the camera has a resolution of up to 4000x3000 - though a lower resolution is often fine.

I'm achieving about 10 double pages per minute, scanning achieves between 2 to 4 single pages per minute. Plus of course you have a top end digital which we use for helping our PS students access lessons.

Hope this helps some of you
Adrian Farnsworth

Scanning a Document

1. Turn on scanner – make sure it is connected to laptop.

2. Place document onto the scanner screen – make sure it is placed accurately.

3. Select 'HP Solution Centre'.

4. When dialogue box appears select scan document.

5. Next dialogue box asks where you wish scan to go – select 'Wordpad'.

6. Next dialogue box allows you to see scanned document. You will be asked if you wish to accept the scan, it is at this point that you can select the whole document or part of the document. After you have made your selection select Accept. 

7. New dialogue box appears asking if you wish to scan more documents. If you wish to scan more pages select 'YES'. At this point you can scan other parts of the original scan or you can select to a new scan.

8. When you have finished scanning all documents – choose 'NO' from dialogue box.

9. Then Wordpad will load and the scanned documents should appear.

10. Open Microsoft Word.

11. Go back to Wordpad select Edit menu – choose Select All. Next select copy.

12. Go to Microsoft Word select paste from Toolbars or from Edit menu.

13. Save document as a 'WORD DOCUMENT' from the 'SAVE AS TYPE' drop down menu. Give document a name and save.

14. Now you can edit document as required.