These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

The Role of Vision in Learning

Presented on Friday 7 November 2008

Course evaluation summary

Number of Participants: 21; Number of Respondents: 19

Overall Assessment: 

How would you rate the following: Excellent= 1 Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise 1.63
Content and supplementary material 1.53

How will you use what you have learned today?

Assessment of children's difficulties.
As I have the responsibility of raising achievement in my school, this has been invaluable and I will share what I have learned.
It will enhance my professional practice as my knowledge of eye conditions has been increased and my understanding deepened.
Encourage discussion/how does it cross over with existing remit?
I will refer children, who I feel may be included in this category and ensure they are assessed.
I will 'cascade' the info to my team.
Very helpful in assisting my own child and supporting the work in her school.
Explore websites more, share with colleagues, speak with CPD organisations, try out with young people.
Pass on information to colleagues, use info in day to day working.
Have better understanding of challenges faced by students with Visual Stress.
Share knowledge with colleagues.
To test individuals for specific conditions and also understand their difficulties.
Improved my knowledge on visual stress related to reading.
Closer links with Orthoptist and extending multi-disciplinary working.
Assessment material - will use as necessary in class.
Link motor skills to vision - remember to link.
More aware of more reasons that children may have when they tell us they are not doing well in school.
To assess and follow-up further assessment more accurately.
In assessment of children referred to us at the Vision Support Service.
Discussion with team to ensure onward referral and our input into ongoing support.
Food for thought!
Feedback at team meeting but also to inform future reading and training.
I will consider much of the material discussed today as I work with young people and their parents/carers.
I already have one child in mind that I visit that I am sure will benefit from this - and so will her teacher, who would also have found this course very useful.
With pupils in my primary school; review those already in SFL Dept and possibly those who have not yet been referred.

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation 1.37
Pacing of course/event 1.42

What was best about the course/event?

All was consistent and very good.
Learning about the role of vision in learning and its importance - the interactive activities.
The speaker very knowledgeable and explained things simply and clearly.
Pretty much of an even standard.
Clarification - I have been unsure of visual stress - this helps.
Relaxed presentation - east to understand, good handout.
Practical strategies for use with young people, awareness raising, opportunities to share with others.
Raising my awareness of complex nature of visual impairment and impact on learning.
Theory/symptoms in Visual Stress.
Demands of writing.
First hand experience and examples. Problems > solutions.
Relevant to my job and my family. |
Lecture clear and relevant.
Good handouts.
Very useful information and raised awareness of other factors.
Now know what to do if follow-up is required.
Oral presentation excellent.
Opening up my own thinking and empathy towards the visual/perceptual difficulties experienced.
The presentation was very relaxed and informative - made me really feel I wanted to hear more! Thank you Nadia!
Medical background knowledge to the many different categories of visual problems. Also, the data from trials/research.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?

If speaker slowed down in order for me to write points of interest on my handouts.
Can't think of any in particular - enjoyed the day.
Overhead lighting glare.
Balance good - mind did not wander.
I think you could have saved paper by printing all of them out as 6 slides/page.
More work on testing/assessment of MIS.
Very happy with what was in place.
More on what we in Education could perhaps do to reduce triggers for Visual Stress.
Extending to 2 days.

Any other comments regarding the course?

Speaker very organised with excellent tone of voice and manner.
Useful for all Learning Support Teachers to know about.
Enjoyable as well as informative.
Good lunch and great venue.
Very good, friendly, flexible course.
References provided very appreciated. Not everyone provides these in other courses I have attended.
Thank you for an informative and entertaining course.
Now more confident about assessing for Visual Stress and now aware of binocular vision.
A very worthwhile day.
Wonderful to have Janis attend and available to talk to at lunch. Thank you.
Really enjoyable, informative and great to meet other professionals from different areas.Good cross range of professionals to meet and discuss things with.

Location and Venue

Convenient location for this course: No Response 9; Yes 9; No 1

Excellent = 1 Poor = 5

Convenience of venue 1.47
Quality of venue 1.37

Likely to attend if venue was used again: No Response 3; Likely 15; Less Likely 1

How did you hear about this course?

SSC leaflets sent regularly to school/service: 10
From a teacher friend
Via CALL Scotland stand at Dyslexia Scotland conference
Colleague: 2
Through Unit Co-ordinator
Leaflet on Noticeboard sent to office
SSC Website
Didn’t say: 2

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?

I think you are fairly comprehensive but always happy to consider any courses you add.
Use of sensory rooms for vision stimulation.
Strategies for children with reduced vision no greater than say 6/20.
New pre-school pack training.
Dyspraxia - Strategies to support learning.
More on this subject or an overlap between VI issues and other learning difficulties/additional support needs.
I am interested in any VI courses as I am relatively new to the service!

Outcomes Assessment

(in relation to the Chartered Teacher Standard components)

Very useful -1; not useful = 5

your professional values and personal commitment 1.44
your professional knowledge and understanding 1.33
your professional and personal attributes 1.44