These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

SSC Course 5: Social and Emotional wellbeing and friendships for children and young people

Presented on Friday 1 November 2013

Courses evaluation summary

Number of Participants: 32
Number of Respondents: 29

Overall Assessment: 

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise


Content and supplementary material


How will you use what you have learned today?

Observations in play spaces in class. Sociogram to analyse relationships and support.
There is so much valuable information - I look forward to using ideas within my school.
For practical sessions with parents/families and to pass info on to other staff.
More time spent on Circle of Friends.
Pass the info to other professionals and use with parents of VI children. Refocus peers on key early development related to own pupils.
I will be using a lot of ideas, examples given in my teaching of children in nursery placements.
Cascade to colleagues and apply to children and young people on my caseload.
Gave me time to reflect and share experiences, also gave me insight into why perhaps some VI pupils behave the way they do.
Re-read through all the information; think about it in relation to a secondary pupil (S1).
Personal reflection on working with grandchild.
Put into practice some of the ideas, particularly the ones for secondary education VI pupils.
Reinforce skills in my teaching.
I will be passing this information on to colleagues in my own service and also to the schools and teachers I work with where needed.
Encourage imaginative play with my toddlers.
Networking and cascading information to other staff.
I will incorporate what I have learned into my work practice.
Focusing on empowering children more and fostering their independence.
To put into practise with the VI pupil with whom I work - what I have learned today - particularly in dealing with making friendships and trying to understand life from the young person's perspective.
I have one pupil, and another with VI support needs in the school - I now know more of the background, and what it is like from a pupil's perspective. I will try out some of the suggested strategies with my pupil. I will cascade information to relevant staff back at school to support VI children in our establishment.
I am currently teaching a young boy with very low vision Braille and many of Dr Roe's comments have made me re-think my approach to him which hopefully, will have a positive outcome in terms of social interaction and self-worth.
Pass on info to colleagues. Be more aware of the challenges facing VI children and their parents and pass this onto other professionals working with them, eg, teachers, etc.
To share with colleagues in VI team - to confirm best practice. To support families (especially in secondary, where I might not be so careful to continue this). To listen to children.
To engage with pupils individually regarding their social wellbeing and any difficulties they are facing = 2 x P3 girls.
In practical interventions with children. Also helping parents/class teacher/classroom assistant to understand the importance of developing social skills and how to do this.
I will use the information and strategies to influence how I support the children I work with. It has really made me consider how I encourage communication between VI children and their peers.

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation


Pacing of course/event


What was best about the course/event?

VI is a relatively new area for me. I really found the information about early years, play and language development and VI interesting. Will help me consider my VI child's needs.
Definitely Dr Roe and her clarity, focus and delivery.
Early years and scenarios. (2)
Thought provoking. Good awareness raising.
Clear, engaging speaker. (2)
A mix of being given an informative presentation and discussion of real life scenarios with colleagues - felt at ease to share.
Practical strategies for intervention - the facilitator.
Easy to follow yet comprehensive and thorough - good handouts too!
Presenter was clearly an expert in her field. She was very easy to listen to and the examples she gave supplemented her notes and made the information readily accessible.
Time to reflect.
New ideas and strategies that I learnt.
Relaxed and open dialogue with others - sharing experiences.
Being given the opportunity to reflect on the impact of being blind or visually impaired on a child's social/emotional development. Hearing from such an experienced and knowledgeable presenter.
Hearing opinions from other people on course. Realising implications and possible strategies for children with visual impairment.
Made me consider my current practice.
Easy to listen to, informal, but very informative.
It was interactive.
Networking with others.
Relaxed environment to allow participant to be at ease as well as opportunities to participate in discussion.
Reinforced some knowledge that I already have which is reassuring.
Very clear presentation that was delivered in a very accessible manner.
Fantastic, measured and very practical presentation.
Self perceptions of VI pupils and how this impacts on actions and inclusion.
The depth of knowledge and practical experience that Joao has to draw on.
The clarity of the presentation and relevance to everyday situations. So many things that can be used straight away, and great to be challenged on my current practice to see how I could do things better.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?

Interesting and thought-provoking. A few more ideas on activities to do with children would have been appreciated.
A little more focus on VI with co-morbid learning difficulties.
Perhaps less content in middle section to allow more discussion.
The combination of slight deafness, speed of oral delivery, relatively indistinct amplification made hearing difficult. Lots of interesting thoughts, but it was 'death by a thousand bullet points'. Clearer notes and focus on material used would have been much better.
Would have like more practical solutions to encouraging friendships/peer groups.
Less powerpoint.
Possibly a reduction in the content - lots of specific strategies for older children discussed - perhaps more emphasis on early years (specific strategies).
Quite a lot of information in the time given.
Possibly more exemplars of how to promote social inclusion, ie, examples of games, etc. Timings could have worked out better as some sections were rushed due to times.
More time to discuss practical things. Two days would have been good!
More time to discuss situations to see how they could be solved/improved.

How did you hear about this course?

Course Info Email from SSC: 11
Co-ordinator/Line Manager: 10
SSC eBulletin: 3
Colleague: 3
SSC Website: 1
Other (please state): 1 via school