These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Eye conditions and case studies

Presented on 28 October 2011


Dr Andrew Blaikie started off the day with a presentation on various eye conditions from a medical perspective, followed by the implications of visual impairment for a child's development and learning. In the afternoon several case studies of children with visual impairments was discussed. Participants had the opportunity to consider their support needs and how these are addressed. The day finished with a question and answer session.

Target Audience: This course is suitable for mainstream teachers, specialist teachers and classroom assistants and other professionals who support visually impaired children in a variety of educational settings.

Janis Sugden, Co-ordinator, SSC, Edinburgh
Dr Andrew Blaikie, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline
Alison Attwood, Acting Manager, and colleagues from Sensory Support Service, Knowetop Primary School, Motherwell
Evelyn Michie, Head of Service, Resource Centre for VI Pupils, Uddingston Grammar, Uddington
