Supporting VI children and young people in a mainstream school
Presented on Wednesday 16 September 2009
This course is designed for professionals who work with VI children in mainstream classes and parents. Knowledge of visual impairment will be minimal. There will be the opportunity for visual impairment awareness raising with practical tasks and there will be advice on how these visual impairments impact on a child's learning in school.
Target audience: will have minimal knowledge of visual impairment Professionals supporting children in mainstream, mainstream teachers and support staff who have a VI child in their class, and Parents
Presenters: Janis Sugden
Sandra Murdoch
Margaret Flynn
- 10.20 What do we use vision for? Janis Sugden
- 1.30 Case Study: Introducing a blind child in mainstream, Sandra Murdoch
11.00 Activity wearing sleepshades
11.30 A discussion of common visual impairments with some practical activities, wearing simulated specs, Janis Sugden and Sandra Murdoch
2.30 Useful strategies that can be used to adapt materials, Janis Sugden, Sandra Murdoch, Margaret Flynn
3.00 DVD of inclusive settings
3.30 Course evaluation and close