These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Supporting VI children and young people in a mainstream school

Presented on Wednesday 16 September 2009

Course evaluation summary

Number of Participants: 20
Number of Respondents: 20

Overall Assessment: 

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Enhancement to your expertise


Content and supplementary material


How will you use what you have learned today?

Build on this as a foundation when I get the opportunity to work with VI children and young people. Follow up with reading and finding out more about eye conditions and their impact on visual learning and appropriate strategies and resources.
Apply knowledge and understanding in role as VI teacher in service within Authority.  Develop resources. Share knowledge and use approaches. Develop collaborative practice.
I will be able to use most of the information in a practical way and in a supportive role with class teachers.
To further develop VI service within East Dunbartonshire Council.
I will provide a help-sheet or in-service (twilight) training to colleagues; also pass on info to classroom assistants working in school with VI difficulties.
Practical ideas highlighted and discussed will be easily implemented into current teaching practice.
Some good strategies to use in the classroom; I will also make teachers aware of providing appropriate materials eg enlargements.
It has given me an excellent appreciation of what it could be like to be a VI pupil/student.
Many practical ideas which I will put in place in my classroom to support a specific pupil.
I will go directly back to my working location, digest all the information given, and apply the knowledge to my immediate pupil caseload and order resources suggested today.
Consolidation of prior knowledge and skills.
Practical ideas to use as a new teacher of VI children.
To further develop strategies to assist teachers/pupils I work with.
To develop my VI teaching in school.
Apply it to my work in school and peri to hopefully show best practice.
In the understanding of working alongside VI pupil.
Practical strategies. Taking ideas back to school.
Practical materials. Better understanding of visual impairment.

How would you rate the following: Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Clarity of presentation


Pacing of course/event


What was best about the course/event?

Very encouraged by content and pacing - was able to apply it to previous knowledge and experience. Enjoyed mix of practical work and hearing from practitioners and seeing resources.
Shared experiences/roles and responsibilities.
The DVD and resources. (3)
Loved the practical participation - was more relevant than simply listening/taking notes.
All areas worked really well.
Good introduction to needs of VI young people.
A chance to look at the practical materials being used in the classroom setting eg Wikki Stix, High Tack.
Activities; it was important to experience what a limitation impaired vision feels like and how it impacts on learning, mobility etc.
The morning was very informative and helpful.
The variety of practical materials on display in the afternoon session - all very suited to the age and stages of my particular pupil.
I have recently started this work from no VI background. I was 'thirsty' for the kind of information disseminated throughout the day so that I can be of 'rea' practical help to pupils and teachers now.
Opportunity to reflect on good practice and to discuss issues with other colleagues here.
Simulations. (3)
Practical activities.
Information about resources to use for a blind child in my class.
The whole event was well presented and I couldn't pick out one bit.

What, if anything, could have been improved about the course?

Less time spent on exploring senses, sleepshade etc for those who have had experience of this previously eg at workplace or those who are currently teaching VI pupils.
For me it would have been better to get more advice for a High School environment.
The afternoon was about primary school mainly which, although useful, did not apply to my experiences of VI pupils in secondary.
The awareness training in the morning was a bit of a duplicate of my own personal recent experience but this was not a major problem.
Time for simulations on other activities as well as mobility.
Earlier start, extended practical activities.
Perhaps more for secondary school pupils.

Any other comments regarding the course?

A good learning opportunity for me. So glad I had something to lean on when writing.
Beneficial to hear practice of other authorities and also roles of other professionals.
The course covered many aspects and practical case studies etc which gave a very comprehensive overview of what is required when working with pupils who have a visual impairment.
It was a well-balanced course and the delivery was well paced - a big thank you to all of the very knowledgeable presenters.
More time could have been spent covering practical teaching methods/ideas to ensure classrooms are actively inclusive.
Facilities good; also meeting another teacher who is teaching mainstream class with child of similar age; good to share ideas.
The course met my point of immediate need as a new VI teacher - not too much 'jargon' or 'theory' (that will come later) just simple practical perfectly 'followable' information.
Very enjoyable, well presented at appropriate level.
I found it very helpful.
Very enjoyable day. Learned a lot.

Location and Venue

Excellent = 1; Poor = 5

Convenience of venue


Quality of venue


Have you made use of the website? If yes:





Less Often

No Response



No Response








How did you hear about this course?

SSC Courses Brochure (5)
Course Leaflet Mailshot (3)
Co-ordinator/Line Manager (9)
No response (2)
Other: VI peripatetic teacher

What other CPD training would you like the SSC to provide?

I would like more opportunity to learn about hardware and software in use in schools.
Information on visual tracking and perception.
Introduction to various technology available.
Specific curricular aspects eg expressive arts; art & design; movement or PE.

Outcomes Assessment

Chartered Teacher Standard components:
Very useful = 1; Not useful = 5

your professional values and personal commitment


your professional knowledge and understanding


your professional and personal attributes
