These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

First Steps to Teaching Braille

Presented on Thursday & Friday, 30 September and 1 October 2010

Case Studies

Janis Sugden

Case Study 1 - Paula, aged 15 years

A pupils using large print had a sudden loss of vision and on conducting a visual assessment, her visual acuities in relation to her near vision were: N36 under optimum conditions but within the classroom environment, she required N48.

What would you advise parents and school staff in relation to Paula's access to the curriculum?

Case Study 2

David was a fully sighted child prior to his asthma attack. He suffered brain damage resulting in loss of vision and also loss of mobility. He is a long-stay hospital patient receiving teaching from the hospital teaching service.

You are now being asked as the specialist teacher, visual impairment, to visit David and offer advice to the hospital teaching team.

You currently work in a mainstream school with a Unit for visually impaired pupils. It is likely that David will move to the provision being offered by your school.

How will you proceed?