Bibliography - Teaching Music to Children with MDVI
Cooper, Ian
Read sing and play: for the music teachers who wish
to help their blind pupils learn the Braille Music Code (3rd ed)
Glenn Publications, 1994
ISBN: 0646193368
Teacher's handbook to accompany the Braille edition.
Corke, Margaret
Approaches to communication through music
David Fulton, 2002
ISBN: 1853468436
One of the ways forward when working with those who have little or no
speech, or limited comprehension of language, is to use music. This
is a practical guide that contains lots of ideas and original activities
for the specialist and non-specialist alike.
Hoare, Bob & Hoskins, Rosamund
Music education for the visually impaired child: a compendium
of articles from Braille Music Magazine, with supplementary material
RNIB, 1993
Ludlow, John
Blind to the facts: an exploration of the needs of the
blind and visually impaired musician
Inner Visions, 1995
A report prepared for the Inner Visions Music Company. Edited by
Agnes Meadows.
McPhail, Pete
Soundbeam in special education: movement into music
Soundabout, [2003]
Soundbeam is a musical instrument which can be played by children with
special needs through use of movement in space from very minimal such
as eye movements through to dancing. This book allows teachers
to get the most from their equipment.
Ockelford, Adam
All join in! a framework for making music with children
and young people who are visually impaired and have learning disabilities
RNIB, 1996
ISBN: 1858780810
A set of 24 songs which offer a framework for music-making with children
and young people who are visually impaired and have other disabilities.
Comprises an A4 folder, a booklet of music notation and an audio CD.
Ockelford, Adam
Music and visually impaired children
RNIB, 1992
Some notes for the guidance of teachers.
Ockelford, Adam
Music in large print
RNIB, 1994
ISBN: 1858780268
Ockelford, Adam
Music matters: factors in the music education of children
and young people who are visually impaired
RNIB, 1996
ISBN: 1858780713
Ockelford, Adam
Music moves: music in the education of children and
young people who are visually impaired and have learning disabilities
RNIB, 1998
ISBN: 1858781523
Includes Supplement 1998/99 by Sally-Anne Zimmermann
Streeter, Elaine
Making music with the young child with special needs: a
guide for parents
Jessica Kingsley, 1993
ISBN: 1853021873
Welch, Graham F; Ockelford, Adam; Zimmerman, Sally-Anne
Provision of music in special education (PROMISE): a
report on a research project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Trust
with support from the RNIB
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 1858785057
The purpose of this research project has been to investigate the nature
of music education provision for pupils with severe learning difficulties
(SLD) or profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).
Wesseling, Lisette
Focus on Braille music
Musicians in Focus Ltd, 2004
ISBN: 0954850300
A practical guide to the use of Braille for the notation of music.
Zimmermann, Sally-Anne
Instrumental music: factors in learning musical instruments
for children and young people who are visually impaired
RNIB, 1998
ISBN: 1858781531
Brown, Ann
Twinkle: a musical stimulation video for young people
with severe disabilities
Soundabout, [2001]
Twinkle's slow pace and deliberate silences between episodes give the
young viewer a chance to absorb the story in separate chunks. Images
and music start and stop together enhancing listening and looking skills.
Making music
Insight May/June 2006 , No 3, p38-40
Three siblings with visual impairments take up music classes at the Youth
Music Centre in London.
AMBER Trust: a music charity for blind children
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p44-46
AMBER provides awards that can pay for music lessons, music therapy,
purchase of equipment etc.
Arter, Christine & Hill, David Lavelle
Listening in: music for students with a visual impairment
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 1999, Vol 17
(2), p60-63
Improving general listening skills using music and some exploration of
music therapy as a way to improve self-esteem.
Clark, Ann & Murphy, Frank
Teaching music to the visually impaired student in a standard school
British Journal of Visual Impairment Sept 1998, Vol
16 (3), p117-122
Considers the kinds of information a music teacher may require to cope
with the needs of a visually impaired student in a mainstream setting.
Coleman, Lloyd
My journey to the BBC proms
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p20-21
Lloyd is a visually impaired student at a specialist music school and
he describes his achievements so far.
Corke, Margaret
Interactive music: developing social communication skills
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p6-8
Using music to develop communication skills with children who have complex
and multiple learning difficulties.
Duckels, Jean
Can I study GCSE Music without knowing braille music?
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p15
Offers a perspective on preparing visually impaired candidates for the
GCSE music exam.
Everard, Margaret
Story with a tactile trail
Eye Contact Spring 1999, No 23, p29
The author explains how she made a tactile trail based on "Peter
and the Wolf" for pupils at a special school.
Hall, Jan
Doing it for themselves
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p19-21
Using switches and adaptive technology to create music.
Hinchcliffe, Janet
Vibroacoustic breakthrough
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p25-27
Sandall Wood School in Doncaster use a new vibroacoustic board to help
motivate pupils and aid communication.
Hunt, Catherine
Beat that!
Eye Contact Spring 2005, No 41, p23-25
Making music fun and accessible for children with profound and multiple
learning difficulties.
Jackson, Michael
Moon system adapted for musical notation
British Journal of Visual Impairment Autumn 1987, Vol
5 (3), p93-97
Outlines how moon can be used to represent musical notation.
Lloyd, Pat
Music sessions for a nursery class
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p22-24
Tips for running music sessions for children with profound and moderate
learning difficulties.
Ockelford, Adam
Music therapy or music education?
Eye Contact Autumn 2005, No 43, p23-27
Clarifies the difference between the music therapy and music education
to allow parents and teachers to choose appropriately for children who
are visually impaired and have multiple disabilities.
Ockelford, Adam
Sounds of intent
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p22-23
A study of children with learning difficulties many of whom have visual
impairments and how their musical abilities develop over time. A framework
is being developed to help teachers and therapists to track and support
their children's progress.
Ockelford, Adam ... [et al]
Sounds of intent
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p16-18
A project looks at tracking the development musicality in children with
profound and moderate learning difficulties.
Oyston, Janet & Thomas, Naomi
Enjoying multisensory music
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p9-11
Ideas for using music in a multisensory class of children with profound
and severe learning difficulties.
Panter, Anna
Let the fun begin: communicating through touch the TACPAC way
Eye Contact Summer 2004, No 39, p31-34
A programme of music and tactile experiences for children with profound
and multiple disabilities as a means of promoting body awareness and
improving communication.
Pring, Linda & Ockelford, Adam
Children with septo-optic dysplasia: musical interests, abilities
and provision: the results of a parental survey
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 2005, Vol 23
(2), p58-66
Looks at how autistic spectrum disorders can manifest in children who
have visual impairments.
Ridley, Louise
Music therapy approach, evoking spontaneous movement from people
with dual-sensory impairment
Journal of British Music Therapy 1987, Vol 1 (1), p25-27
Use of music and movement to encourage increased activity levels in very
passive deafblind people.
Risdon, James
Moving music
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p18-19
Technology which enables young people who are visually impaired to explore
independent music making.
Simmonds, Sue
Resonance boards: simple communication through sound
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p16-18
Musical opportunities for children who have very limited movement though
use of resonance boards.
Stanfield, Caroline & Zimmerman, Sally
Music and communication
Insight Nov/Dec 2007, No 12, p10-12
Describes work with children developing communication through music.
Stewart, Christine
Clowndoctors: slapstick and song
Insight Jan/Feb 2006, No 1, p23-25
Play therapy for children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment
in hospital settings.
York, Liz
Music therapy
Eye Contact Autumn 2005, No 43, p19-22
How music therapy can help facilitate communication with children who
are visually impaired and have multiple disabilities.
Zimmerman, Sally
Taking music examinations
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p17
Offers advice on preparing visually impaired candidates for music exams.
Zimmerman, Sally & Habron, John
Can you Handel that rhythm?
Insight May/Jun 2008, No 15, p
Describes a workshop held with a group of 10 year old boys in Handel's
house in London. Pupils learned about Handel and composition and performed
their work for an audience of parents and staff.
Zimmerman, Sally & Risdon, James
Notation: reading music and writing it down
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p10
Looks at the options for notation used with visually impaired musicians.