These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

The materials on this list are available from

Bibliography - STASS


nb. Items marked * are not currently in SSC Library.

Armstrong, S & Ainley, M
South Tyneside Assessment of Syntactic Structures
STASS Publications. 1988

Armstrong, S & Ainley, M
South Tyneside Assessment of Syntactic Structures 2
STASS Publications. 2007

Bell, David
Removing barriers: a 'can-do' attitude: a report on developing good practice for children with special needs in early years childcare and education in the private and voluntary sectors
Ofsted, 2005
The report examines what childcare providers in the private and voluntary sector are doing to make it easier for children with special needs to access care and education and to have the best possible outcomes.

Crystal, D; Fletcher, P & Garman, M
The grammatical analysis of language disability (2nd ed)
Cole & Whurr, 1989

*Crystal, D
Working with LARSP
Edward Arnold, 1979

*Crystal, D
Rediscover Grammar (3rd ed)
Longman, 2004

Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Developing early intervention/support services for deaf children and their families
Dept for Education and Skills, 2003
ISBN 1841859079

Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Information for parents: deafness [Early Support Pilot Programme]
Dept for Education and Skills, 2004
Guidance for families who have very young children who are deaf. ESPP11

Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Informed choice, families and deaf children: professional handbook
Dept for Education and Skills, 2006
A handbook for professionals to provide an "Informed Choice" approach for families who have very young children who are deaf. ESPP11

Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Monitoring protocol for Deaf babies and children
Dept for Education and Skills, 2004
Includes booklets: How to use this protocol; Level 2 materials; and folder of forms for recording development.  Early Support Pilot Programme: ESPP29, ESPP30, ESPP31

Ennals, Paul
Together from the start: practical guidance for professionals working with disabled children (birth to third birthday) and their families
Dept for Education and Skills, 2003
ISBN 1841859060

Gallaway, Clare & Richards, Brian J
Input and interaction in language acquisition
Cambridge U P, 1994
ISBN 0521437253
A study of "baby talk" and how it affects the acquisition of language in young children. Also explores language acquisition in second and foreign language learners.

*Herman, R; Grove, N; Holmes, S; Morgan, G; Sutherland, H & Woll, B
Assessing BSL Development: Production Test (Narrative Skills)
City University, 2004

Herman, R; Holmes, S & Woll, B
Assessing BSL Development: Receptive Skills Test
Forest, 1999

*Ishiguro, K
Never Let Me Go
Faber and Faber, 2005

Learning and Teaching Scotland
Birth to three: supporting our youngest children
LT Scotland, 2005
ISBN 184399061X
General guide for parents of young children and professionals who work with young children.

Learning and Teaching Scotland
Early learning, forward thinking: the ICT strategy for early years: Staff development pack for practitioners
Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2003
ISBN 1859557953
Includes a staff development pack for practitioners; reference pack and the policy framework for ICT in early years.

Mayne, Katie
First guide to baby signing
Templar, 2005
ISBN 1904513204
A guide for parent's to teach sign language to all babies.  Includes clear photographs and descriptions of signs and is illustrated with babies' versions of the signs.

Meadow-Orlans, Kathryn P; Spencer, Patricia Elizabeth; Koester, Lynne Sanford
World of deaf infants: a longitudinal study
Oxford University Press, 2004
ISBN 0195147901
Reports on a 15 year study of families with deaf and hearing young children of deaf or hearing parents.  Explores the parenting of children with special needs and the interaction between parent and infant.

Mortimer, Hannah
Sensory difficulties: identifying and supporting needs, activities covering early learning goals, working with parents (Special needs in the early years)
Scholastic, 2002
ISBN 059053565X
Series: Special needs in the early years Help on how to recognise hearing or vision problems and what activities are appropriate and useful in an early years setting for children with sensory impairments

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in the early years: guidelines on working with deaf children under two years old and their families
NDCS, 2002
ISBN 0904691667

*O’Grady, W
How Children Learn Language
Cambridge University, 2005

*Perera, K
Children's Writing and Reading. Analysing Classroom Language
Basil Blackwell. 1984

Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID)
Effective early intervention for deaf children 0-5 and their families: education guidelines project
RNID, 2001
ISBN 0900634839
Guidelines for teachers of the deaf and learning support assistants on working with deaf children in the classroom. Series: Education guidelines project

Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) & NDCS
Statement of professional competencies: summary content of training: professional training issues
Joint initiative on training issues for professionals working with deaf children under five and their families.

Sinclair, J
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learners’ Dictionary
HarperCollins, 2004

Sutherland, Hilary & Hall, Anne-Marie
Deaf friendly nurseries and pre-schools: a guide for people working with deaf children in early education settings
NDCS, 2003
ISBN 0904691640
Aimed at people who work with pre-school aged children who are deaf.

*Woolfe, T
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development
London: City University, forthcoming.



Falkman, Kerstin W & Hjelmquist, Erland
Do you see what I mean? Shared reference in non-native, early signing deaf children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Fall 2006, Vol 11 (4), p410-420
Early diagnosed deaf children in Sweden are introduced at a young age to sign language.  This study looks at aspects of the language acquisition of children whose parents are not native signers.

Gallaway, Clare
Using video to monitor early language development
Journal of British Association of Teachers of the Deaf 1994, Vol 18 (5), p129-140
Looks at the methods involved in using video recording materials for the study of early language development.  Discusses contrasts between working with hearing children and deaf children.

*Harris, Margaret; Clibbens, John; Chasin, Joan; Tibbitts, Ruth
Social context of early sign language development
First Language 1989, Vol 9, p81-97
A study of deaf mothers teaching sign language to their deaf children aged between 7-20 months.

Knight, Pam
Bilingual nursery provision: a challenging start
Deafness and Education October 1997, Vol 21 (3), p20-30
Looks at one model of bilingual nursery provision and assesses how effectively it is meeting its aims.

Loots, Gerrit; Devisé, Isabel; Jacquet, Wolfgang
Impact of visual communication on the intersubjective development of early parent-child interaction with 18 to 24 month old deaf toddlers
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Fall 2005, Vol 10 (4), p357-375
Study of the varying communication styles used between hearing and deaf parents and their deaf children.

Mahon, M; Crutchley A; Quinn T
New directions in the assessment of bilingual children
Child Language Teaching and TherapyOctober 2003, 19(3), p 237-243

Martin, D; Krishnamurthy R; Bhardwaj, M
Charles R. Language change in young Panjabi/English children: implications for bilingual language assessment
Child Language Teaching and TherapyOctober 2003, 19(3), p245-265

Mayer, Connie
What really matters in the early literacy development of deaf children?
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Fall 2007, Vol 12 (4), p411-431
Early identification of hearing loss in children has led to increased expectations of literacy development in deaf children yet it remains the case that many deaf children do not go on to develop age-appropriate reading and writing abilities.

Meadow, Kathryn P
Early manual communication in relation to the deaf child's intellectual, social and communicative functioning
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Fall 2005, Vol 10 (4), p321-329
Originally published in 1968 in The American Annals of the Deaf (10th anniversary classics)

*Murphy, Judith & Slorach, Neil
Language development of pre-school hearing children of deaf parents
British Journal of Disorders of Communication 1983, Vol 18 (2), p118-126
This study looks at the oral language skills of very young hearing children whose parents are deaf.

Pert, S & Letts, C
Developing an expressive language assessment for children in Rochdale with a Pakistani heritage background
Child Language Teaching and TherapyOctober 2003, 19(3), p 267-289

Swanwick, Ruth & Watson, Linda
Parents sharing books with young deaf children in spoken English and in BSL: the common and diverse features of different language settings
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Summer 2007, Vol 12 (3), p385-405
Looks at the different approaches to reading books with young deaf children taken by families who use BSL and families who use spoken English.

Torres, Santiago; Moreno-Torres, Ignacio; Santana, Rafael
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of linguistic input support to a prelingually deaf child with cued speech: a case study
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Fall 2006, Vol 11 (4), p438-448
A study of one young deaf child's experiences of cued speech.

Williams, Cheri
Emergent literacy of deaf children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Fall 2004, Vol 9 (4), p352-365
A review of the literature of emergent literacy in young deaf children, focussing on emergent reading and writing.

Woolfe, T; Want, S & Siegal, M
Siblings and Theory of Mind in Deaf Native Signing Children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 2003, 8(3) p340-7.

Young, Alys ... [et al]
Issues and dilemmas in the production of standard information for parents of young deaf children: parents' views
Deafness and Education International 2005, Vol 7 (2), p63-76
Explores the provision of good information to parents of children who are deaf looking specifically at a draft document devised by NDCS for the Early Support Pilot programme.

Young, Alys & Tattersall, Helen
Universal newborn hearing screening and early identification of deafness: parents' responses to knowing early and their expectations of child communication development
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Spring 2007, Vol 12 (2), p209-220
A study comprising of interviews with parents of children who were correctly diagnosed as Deaf during the first phase of the newborn hearing screening programme.



Eagle, A
An introduction to Modern Scots
2001 (Accessed 15/09/07) 

Developing Early Intervention/Support Services for Deaf Children and their Families
RNID, 2003 Ref: LEA/0068/2003 (Accessed 17/09/07)


Developing Writing Programmes for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Learners


Teaching literacy skills to deaf adults: a hand book of information, advice and worksheets for tutors with deaf students in their classes
City Literary Institute, nd

Brueggemann, Brenda Jo (Ed)
Literacy and deaf people: cultural and contextual perspectives
Gallaudet University Press, 2004
ISBN 1563682710
Concentrates on social aspects of literacy such as the role of literacy and literature in deaf people's lives. This is not a practical guide to literacy.

Donaldson's College
Deaf communication: a research project into the literacy needs of deaf and hard of hearing people in Edinburgh
Donaldson's College, [2004]
Looks at the literacy provision in Edinburgh for deaf adults, explores the needs of deaf learners and makes recommendations for future planning in  this area.

French, Martha M
Starting with assessment: a developmental approach to deaf children's literacy
Gallaudet, 1999
ISBN 0880952210
Examines methods of teaching and assessing literacy with children who are deaf.

French, Martha M
Toolkit: appendices for "Starting with assessment: a developmental approach to deaf children's literacy"
Gallaudet, 1999
ISBN 0880952210
Contains activities and checklists for assessing literacy with children who are deaf.

Lo Bianco, Joseph
Language and literacy policy in Scotland
Scottish CILT, 2001 ISBN 1898689083
An outsider's view of the linguistic scene in Scotland, including modern foreign languages, Scottish Gaelic, Scots, Irish Gaelic, community languages, adult literacy and sign language.

Nutbrown, Cathy
Recognising early literacy development: assessing children's achievements
Paul Chapman, 1997
ISBN 1853963666
Reviews and discusses policy and practice in assessing literacy development in 3-5 year olds.

Paul, Peter V
Literacy and deafness: the development of reading, writing and literate thought
Allyn & Bacon, 1998
ISBN 0205175767

Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID)
Promoting literacy in deaf pupils: education guidelines project
RNID, 2001
ISBN 090063488X
Guidelines for teachers of the deaf and learning support assistants on working with deaf children in the classroom. Series: Education guidelines project

Schirmer, Barbara
Language and literacy development in children who are deaf (2nd ed)
Allyn & Bacon, 2000
ISBN 0205314937

Stelling, Jessica
Words they need: welcoming children who are deaf and hard of hearing to literacy
Edward Arnold, 1999
ISBN 0340676825

Stewart, David A & Clarke, Bryan R
Literacy and your deaf child: what every parent should know
Gallaudet University Press, 2003
ISBN 1563681366

Webster, Alec
Deafness, development and literacy
Methuen, 1986 ISBN 0416920608

Whitehead, Marian R
Developing language and literacy with young children (2nd ed)
Paul Chapman, 2002
ISBN 0761947256
Series: 0-8 years.  A holistic approach which includes the development of language in bilingual children


Stories in the Air
BSL sign bridge to literacy 2: signing phonics
Stories in the Air, 2005
Computer animated BSL for literacy.  Children's knowledge is tested by quizzes presented in BSL, in English and graphically.  Software produced by Dunedin Multimedia.

Stories in the Air
BSL sign bridge to literacy 3: spelling and sentences
Stories in the Air, 2007
Computer animated BSL for literacy.  Children's knowledge is tested by quizzes presented in BSL, in English and graphically.  Software produced by Dunedin Multimedia.

Three Counties Deaf Support
Written English tutor for BSL users
Three Counties Deaf Support, 2002
A guide for writing English for people who normally use BSL.  For use on Windows-based PCs only. 


Bochner, Joseph H & Walter, Gerard G
Evaluating Deaf students' readiness to meet the English language and literacy demands of postsecondary educational programs
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Summer 2005, Vol 10 (3), p232-243
Looks at the mechanisms for testing literacy skills of prospective students who are deaf entering tertiary education in the USA.

Burman, Diana; Nunes, Terezinha; Evans, Deborah
Writing profiles of deaf children taught through British Sign Language
Deafness and Education International, 2007, Vol 9 (1), p2-23
An investigation into assessing children's writing in English where their first language is BSL.

Gray, Colin D
Helping deaf children towards literacy during their primary school years: which skills should we be fostering?
Journal of British Association of Teachers of the Deaf , 1995, Vol 19 (2), p22-33
Explores the many ways in which literacy is approached and makes recommendations for teaching deaf children.

Lartz, Maribeth N & Lestina, L Jill
Strategies deaf mothers use when reading to their young deaf or hard of hearing children
American Annals of the Deaf, 1995, Vol 140 (4), p358-370
Six deaf mothers were video-taped while reading the same book and the observations were analysed.  Six specific strategies where observed: sign placement; text paired with signed demonstration; real world connections; attention maintenance; physical demonstrations and non-manual signals.

Lillo-Martin, Diane C; Hanson, Vicki L; Smith, Suzanne T
Deaf readers' comprehension of relative clause structures
Applied Psycholinguistics, 1992, Vol 13, p13-30
Looks at the possible underlying reasons for some deaf learners to be good readers while others are poor.  The research was prompted by similar studies on hearing children.

Mayer, Connie
What really matters in the early literacy development of deaf children?
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Fall 2007, Vol 12 (4), p411-431
Early identification of hearing loss in children has led to increased expectations of literacy development in deaf children yet it remains the case that many deaf children do not go on to develop age-appropriate reading and writing abilities.

Mayer, Connie & Wells, Gordon
Can the linguistic interdependence theory support a bilingual-bicultural model of literacy education for deaf students?
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Spring 1996, Vol 1(2), p93-107
Looks at the problems of using ASL as a language from which written English can be learned.

Neuroth-Gimbrone, Cindy & Logiodice, Colleen
Cooperative language program for deaf adolescent utilizing bilingual principles
Sign Language Studies, 1992, Vol 21, p79-91
Describes a project to teach English to deaf teenagers whose first language is ASL.

Schaper, Maike W & Reitsma, Peiter
Use of speech-based recoding in reading by prelingually deaf children
American Annals of the Deaf, 1993, Vol 138 (1), p46-54
Evaluates the extent to which prelingually deaf school children who were educated orally made functional use of speech-based codes in reading processes.

Swanwick, Ruth & Watson, Linda
Parents sharing books with young deaf children in spoken English and in BSL: the common and diverse features of different language settings
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Summer 2007, Vol 12 (3), p385-405
Looks at the different approaches to reading books with young deaf children taken by families who use BSL and families who use spoken English.

Trezek, Beverly J ... [et al]
Using visual phonics to supplement beginning reading instruction for students who are deaf and hard of hearing
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Summer 2007, Vol 12 (3), p373-384
A study using visual phonics to teach literacy to children from kindergarten to first grade.

Uzuner, Yildiz
Impact of strategies used in the balanced literacy approach on story grammar acquisition of three Turkish students with hearing loss: an action research study
Deafness and Education International, 2007, Vol 9 (1), p24-44
Looks at the comprehension of written language and story-writing abilities of 3 deaf students aged 20-24.  All of the students had attended mainstream schools in Turkey.

Williams, Cheri
Emergent literacy of deaf children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Fall 2004, Vol 9 (4), p352-365
A review of the literature of emergent literacy in young deaf children, focussing on emergent reading and writing.