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Bibliography - Signing SQA Exams
Language of examinations (2nd ed)
BATOD, 2003
ISBN: 0903502097
Recommendations for the modification of examination papers for deaf candidates. It
is also intended to allow teachers and support staff to become more familiar
with the principles of modification.
Language of examinations: recommendations for the modification
of examination papers for hearing impaired candidates
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Guidance on special assessment arrangements
Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2001
ISBN: 1859693946
This replaces "Guidance on special assessment and certification arrangements
for candidates with special needs and candidates for whom English is an
additional language" 2000.
Derby, John & Harvey, Marion
Scientists in sign: a key stage 3 science resource for
hearing impaired pupils
Northern Ireland Deaf Video Project, 1998
Accompanied by a booklet of worksheets
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
English: alternative communication: assessment of communicating:
commentary and grading
Scottish Qualifications Authority, 1998
Accompanied by a booklet.
Signs for education: English: The definitive BSL reference
for education
Microbooks, 2002
ISBN: 1902540115
From a series of CD-ROM formerly known as "Signs for GCSE" this
CD-ROM brings expertise from experienced teachers of English in BSL. It
aims to provide access to the many signs evolving for curriculum studies.
In addition to providing a comprehensive vocabulary, it also gives a full
explanation of the concepts.
Signs for education: Information Technology (IT)
Microbooks, 2002
For use with Microsoft Windows
Signs for GCSE: Mathematics
Microbooks, 2000
For use with Microsoft Windows
University of Central Lancashire
Using numbers in British Sign Language (BSL)
University of Central Lancashire, 1999
Cawthon, Stephanie W
Accommodations use for statewide standardized assessments: prevalence
and recommendations for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Winter 2008,
Vol 13 (1), p55-76
Survey of students to assess the most useful special arrangements (accommodations)
for taking standard tests in the USA.
Cawthon, Stephanie W
National survey of accommodations and alternate assessments for students
who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in the United States.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Summer 2006,
Vol 11 (3), p337-359
Survey of what arrangements are in place for deaf students taking national
assessments in the US.
Lang, Harry G ... [et al]
Study of technical signs in science: implications for lexical database
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Winter 2007,
Vol 12 (1), p65-79
A study of the use of scientific vocabulary in ASL for teaching purposes.
Simpson, Paul
Making exams fairer for deaf pupils
NDCS Magazine Autumn 2008, No 10, p10-11
Issues to consider when approaching examinations with pupils who are deaf.